Wine Mom Culture Excludes Black Mothers

The face of “wine mom” culture is White. And that is a problem.

Vena Moore
Fourth Wave


Photo by Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Over the last decade or so, I’ve noticed this growing trend called “wine mom culture.” It makes using alcohol to cope with motherhood an accepted, even celebrated, part of modern life. Some regard it as chic and hip, while others believe it encourages alcoholism. In actuality, the notion that mothers can and do drink alcohol isn’t new. Mothers drank for decades. However, this level of awareness surrounding this activity they partake in is new.

I’m not a mother, so I’m sure that some believe I don’t know what I’m talking about and will dismiss this piece. That’s their prerogative. But as a woman, and especially a Black woman, I know about stress. I deal with it every waking moment of every day. I know all about wanting or needing mind-altering substances to cope with the frustrations and aggravations of daily life.

Yet, what, or rather, who, do we usually think of when we think about wine mom culture? Most of the memes and discussions about it center white, wealthy, or middle-class women. And that is a problem.

What Drives Mothers To Drink?

First, let’s get into why there are concerns about wine mom culture in general. The United States is one of only…



Vena Moore
Fourth Wave

Dismantling white, male supremacy one word at a time.