World Bank Update: No Equality for Working Women in Any Country

De-bunking the myth of no gender pay gap

Me and My Muse
Fourth Wave
Published in
14 min readMar 8, 2024


Image created by author via Canva

I’ve heard it, you’ve heard it, and we’ve both probably argued about it in comments sections — women and their so called “non-existent” pay gap and inequality.

Now this has been confirmed as a myth, the arguments can stop, and focus can be placed on what needs to be done to create gender equity in the workplace — especially as International Women’s Day is here.

Monday the 4th of March 2024 was a blessed day for women in the world of work, globally. Not in terms of our status, but in terms of the confirmation we have that the gender pay gap exists and the data we can use to battle inequality. The 4th of March was when the World Bank published its tenth report on equality in the workplace and women, entitled Women, Business, and the Law (2024).

In this 182-page document, under the “main messages” section on page fifteen, the report confirms that:

“The gender gap for women in the global workplace is massive — in fact, much wider than previously thought.”


“The gap is even wider in practice than equal opportunity laws on the…



Me and My Muse
Fourth Wave

A Londoner, essayist, crime fiction writer, humanitarian, avid reader. Writing about 'womanist' topics, race, gender, society, and what's important worldwide.