Yesterday was different

Let me tell you why

Christiana White
Fourth Wave


Photo by Tarik Haiga on Unsplash

You know, mental health is so interesting. I mean, the space inside our heads. Although I’ve been in Mexico for a week, ostensibly having a grand old time, I really have been very troubled, very sad.

I came here to escape home, to live somewhere less expensive for a while. I figured I could conduct the job search from here, and why not? Why not eat great tacos and all kinds of Michoacan specialties while looking for work? It seemed doable.

But, I’ve been bombing out in the food department, something I’m usually pretty good at. Normally, I can sniff out the good stuff, find the little mom & pop shop with the incredible goat stew, for example.

But, this time, I’m off my game.

I’ve been going through the motions. Traipsing the beautiful Centro here in Morelia, which really is breathtaking, full of astonishing colonial palaces, churches, and mansions built of pink stone.

But, I’m terribly alone. I thought, no biggie. I’ll just make some friends. I went to the expat breakfast. That was a shock. The majority of the folks there were at least twenty years older than me, and I got the feeling many of them spoke not a shred of Spanish despite being here for years. It didn’t seem to be my crowd.

I’ve been going through the…

