“You Just Hate Men”

No, dude, I just hate patriarchy

Toni Hargis
Fourth Wave


If you’re a vocal woman on social media, you’ve had this accusation flung at you at some point. OK, not trad wives; they’ve got you right where they want you. You’re all good.

Sometimes, you’ll hear the word “misandry” instead, ignoring the fact that misandry doesn’t have the teeth misogyny does, on account of women not wielding much societal power. So, while misandry may exist, it doesn’t impact men in the same way. A new study about the misandry myth adds:

“…the stereotype that feminists are man-haters is clearly used as a political weapon against the movement. … A key factor in the continued derision of feminism is the widely endorsed stereotype that feminists are man-haters.”

Both “man-hater” and “misandry” are yet more attempts to silence women since they’re rarely accompanied by the reason we supposedly hate men.

It typically goes something like:

Woman — “We need to look at the sexualisation of women in the workplace.”

Incel/troll/misogynist — “Oh, here we go again. You just hate men.”

Women — “We need to make sure that victims of rape aren’t investigated more than the alleged rapists.”

Incel/troll/misogynist Innocent until proven guilty. You…



Toni Hargis
Fourth Wave

Co-author of “How to Stand up to Sexism; Words for when enough is enough”. Helping women find their voices. @ToniHargis