If You’re Starting Something New, Think About What You’re Willing to Give Up

New beginnings are also endings

David Fox
Fox Files


Photo by Bohdan Pyryn on Unsplash

I’m still putting the final little touches on my first novel, due out in January. (I’m one of those people who cannot stop tinkering, so I’ll probably be messing with for as long as I can.) But recently I had an idea for another one.

It’s just an idea at the moment. I’m still working out whether this idea has the potential to be a full novel and if there’s a market for it.

But there’s something else I have to consider if I decide I’m going to write this, and it’s something everyone needs to take into account when starting a new project:

What am I willing to give up?

New projects aren’t just about beginnings. They’re also about endings — even if only temporarily.

Starting something new — be it a writing project or something else, like deciding to take up running — takes time. The time that your new project takes up will be time that you were using for something else.

After all, everyone always talks about how busy they are, don’t they? When was the last time you heard anyone talk about the huge amount of free time they have? We’re always working or parenting or side-hustling or seeing friends or working out or…



David Fox
Fox Files

The challenges and triumphs of parenting while disabled. Email: davefox990@hotmail.com