Why Chuck Palahniuk’s Advice on “Thought” Verbs is Perfect

It might be the only writing advice you need

David Fox
Fox Files


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Paradoxically, I’m always searching out writing advice even though I also think there’s too much of it.

I can’t help it. Staring at the blank page, it’s too easy to believe that there’s a quick fix easy solution just a Google search or bookshelf hunt away. Sometimes even the act of leaving whatever I’m struggling with does the trick, but if not, I pin my hopes on other writers to inspire me out of my funk.

It was during such a quest for help from total strangers that I stumbled upon an essay by Chuck Palahniuk that left me stunned by how simply he breaks down something a lot of writers struggle with.



David Fox
Fox Files

The challenges and triumphs of parenting while disabled. Email: davefox990@hotmail.com