Sleep Smart: Understanding the Health Benefits of Sleep

The Importance of Getting More Sleep

Maunykah Arcelin
Published in
7 min readJun 4, 2023


AI generated photo of a woman getting quality sleep.
Co-created with Midjourney.

We often underestimate the value of getting enough sleep to maintain optimal health and wellness. I don't sleep nearly enough as a strange hybrid between a night owl and a morning person.

However, sleep plays a vital role in rejuvenating our bodies, restoring our energy levels, and supporting various mental and physical well-being aspects. Discover the health benefits of sleep and how it affects your life.

How Sleep Works and Why Your Body Needs Better Sleep

Sleep consists of various progressive stages called the sleep cycle. These stages include the following:

  • Light sleep
  • Deep sleep
  • REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep

Our bodies need sleep because each stage serves a different purpose in ensuring that it functions well and remains healthy. Throughout the night, we cycle through these sleep stages multiple times, reinforcing the importance of consistent and adequate rest.

The Remarkable Mental Benefits of Quality Sleep



Maunykah Arcelin
Fox Meets Panda

Board Certified Electrophysiology Nurse Practitioner focusing on science, medicine, wellness and technology.