FOX: Does Congress have Faith in the President?

Michael Concord
Fox News | ROBLOX


Yesterday, we asked our Fox News discord members what they thought of the President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House. Here is what they thought:

President Foxworth — 62.5% Approval

Vice President Rounds — 85.7% Approval

Speaker of the House — 50% Approval

Only a few days ago, President Foxworth’s approval ratings went below the 30% mark, and now they have shot right back up. It is clear that in the public eye the President is getting back on his feet.

Entrance Hall, White House, Residence of the President of the United States

However, what are his views in congress like? We asked some members congressional leadership the same question:

Question: Do you have faith in the Foxworth Administration to deliver to the American people a better America?

Here is what they said:

Representative Tom Sharp — House Democratic Caucus Chair — Democrat

A very good question, one that I think about nearly every day. I pray for the President, and I pray for his Administration to deliver results to the American people. I, however, will continue trust the American people to hold the Administration and the President accountable as well. Right now what we’re seeing, though, is a decline in progress and failures of the Foxworth Administration. To change this, I believe the President will not just need to work with his party, but across the aisle with Democrats. We are willing to work with him, but he is the President, meaning, it falls upon him to come to us with the initiatives of his Administration. No matter what, though, we will continue to maintain our responsibility as members of Congress but also Americans to criticize the actions of the Foxworth Administration.

US House of Representatives, US Capitol Building

Leader Russ Helms — House Minority Leader — Republican

I think President Foxworth has done everything possible to better this country. President Foxworth is a leader. And will do whatever he can to ensure that the American people can live the American dream.

Leader M. K. Prince — Senate Majority Leader — Republican

Yes, I believe President Foxworth and his administration will deliver to the American people a realistic, sustainable, stronger, and better America. When I joined the Senate, President Foxworth was, at the time, the leader of the Republican body in the Senate. I’ve seen competence within his leadership and I’m very positive that President Foxworth will do right by his party as a whole and, most importantly, the American people. It’s very evident that Democrats have no hope in President Foxworth. However, the Democrats have no good reason to feel that way. Their feelings towards him and his leadership are similar to melancholy. The group is not completely open, so it’s unfair to expect the utmost from the Foxworth administration right now, and even with the group not being completely open, President Foxworth has still done a lot with his current circumstances.

Whip Virgil Rickles — Senate Majority Whip — Republican

Foxworth was elected by the American people, they put their faith in him. And if they don’t like how he’s doing it complain, see if I care. That won’t stop us from expanding his agenda which helps America but the left deems it as it doesn’t help America in there favor and see it as “Authoritarian” and a “Dictatorship”.

Speaker’s Lobby, US Capitol Building

Speaker Cameron Spence — Speaker of the House of Representatives — Democrat

I don’t have faith in the Foxworth administration, though I wish they’d do what’s suitable for the country. The miscalculated steps on the foreign stage have already shown the incompetency of this President. President Foxworth has only looked after his failed doctrine of foreign policy, which isolates the United States from the world. He’s neglected all aspects of domestic policy by failing to nominate key cabinet officials to advocate for the President’s domestic policy. The only component member of this administration I see is the Vice President; even then, his power is minimal. The country needs a new plan forward, and that’s without Foxworth leading as President.

Leader Joseph Gibson — House Majority Leader — Democrat

Chandler Foxworth’s election to the White House was disheartening for me. I worked with President Foxworth when he was Senator Foxworth. I truly believe that the President at this point during his presidency will not be able to deliver a better America for the people of this great country. President Foxworth is a follower, and it’s never good to have a follower serve in leadership. If President Foxworth is open to bipartisanship, than maybe I would begin to have an ounce of hope. But I unfortunately cannot say that President Foxworth can deliver the appropriate change this country needs to progress with the rest of the world.

It is clear that the Republicans are backing their President and that the Democrats strongly oppose the President, especially on his foreign policy.

As well as these questions, Michael Concord caught up with the Secretary of State for a few questions that everyone is dying to know about the issues regarding the Department of State.

Q: Many questions have risen about your activity and capability to hold the office of Secretary of State. What is it that you bring to the table that makes you think that you are capable of holding the office of Secretary of State?

A: Before I talk shop and answer some questions let the record express that I’ve been on personal leave for a week or so. This means that I am not updated on the latest news and such. What I bring to the table is professionalism and a good character. The Secretary of State is supposed to be the second person to represent the United States in foreign policy. I have connections as well in different countries like Hong Kong where we have previously conducted business.

— Secretary Jonathan McCarthy, United States Secretary of State

US Department of State

It seems from this short interaction with the Secretary of State that he is unaware of current Foreign Policy, but with good reason. He has been on personal leave for the last week or so. However, this does raise the question: Do we have the right person running the Department of State?

We really hope you found our article today helpful. We ensure with every article that comes out of Fox that we are educating every single American about the bigger picture and not just what the lying media wants you to believe. Please join our discord to participate in polls and more!

This is a Fox News Article by Michael Concord. All rights to this article belong to Fox News.

