Use Video to Increase Sales

Tim Myers
Published in
1 min readAug 18, 2016

Seeing is believing.

This adage is true for just about everything, but especially true when someone is buying something — a product or service. Product demos, customer stories, in the moment demonstrations, and thought leadership should all be made available to prospects. You can warm a prospect or keep them warm and more importantly, engaged, with video.

How important? According to Forbes, 2016 is the year of video. It’s why it’s on the top list for every marketing department.

It’s not just showing videos, it’s meeting with clients using video. Impromptu sales calls could increase sales, too. It will also reduce expenses like travel (plane, car, and parking), improving ROI and margins. Not only that, but if you’re in a high-tech industry, having quality video means your company’s brand is secure as tech savvy.



Tim Myers
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Product Manager for @foxdenio — Say hello @muudboard