A Quick Update From the Team (8/14/18)

Fr8 Network Team
Fr8 Network
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2018

Hello Everyone!

The Fr8 Network team has been working hard building the Fr8 Protocol, connecting with strategic partners & industry professionals, and improving our community efforts as we gear up to officially announcing our long-awaited ICO.

We want to thank you for your interest in our project and for following our journey this year. We’re learning as we go, looking for feedback at every turn, and modifying our course, when it makes sense, so that we can continue improving our vision to better serve the needs of the logistics ecosystem and, ultimately, the consumer and business experience.

Here are some notable updates from our team:

  • Our incredibly talented and hard-working engineers are continuing to develop the Fr8 Protocol. We expect Phase 1: Track & Trace to be completed by October 1st.
  • Our business team has been securing partnerships with companies who share our vision for an interoperable logistics ecosystem. You can expect official announcements from us in the coming months, and feel free to check out our website in the meantime to see who we’re already working with.
  • Our marketing team has expanded our community efforts to East Asia, beginning with China and South Korea, and is solidifying our plans & materials for a successful pre-, ICO, and post- raise and experience for YOU!
  • The “Leonardo DiCaprio show” is a project we feel super excited and honored to be a part of. Like flies on a wall, we sometimes have one or two camera guys capturing our journey, along with multiple other notable projects and people.
  • As the collective Fr8 Network team, we’ve also been diving deep into our tokenomics, end-user value from the Fr8 Protocol and research on the global supply chain and blockchain industries.

Please take a minute to follow us on social media, if you don’t already. Our marketing team will be working to improve our transparency with the community and to provide more regular updates, while also sharing with you the news and resources we find interesting, educational, or insightful.

ALSO, please sign-up for our weekly newsletter (at the bottom of our website) so that you won’t miss any important updates from us. And if there’s content you believe we should be creating or information we should be sharing, please send us your feedback via one of the channels listed below!


The Fr8 Network Team



Fr8 Network Team
Fr8 Network

Developing a single source of truth for blockchain enabled logistics | Telegram: http://bit.ly/Fr8Telegram | Whitepaper: http://bit.ly/Fr8ProtocolV1