Fr8 Network Community Update

Sloane Brakeville
Fr8 Network
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2018

Hello Fr8ers!

I want to take a minute to thank those who have been following our journey for the past several months and shown immense support for our project. The Fr8 Network team and I really appreciate your interest as we’ve been working hard to develop solutions that we believe will tremendously impact the U.S. freight trucking industry and the global logistics industry at large. Our vision for a more cohesive, interoperable and efficient logistics network has been the driving force behind our work and we have been learning and improving every step of the way.

Despite the downturn in the markets these last few months, Fr8 Network has been busy. Our presence in the industry is greater than ever and the conversations we’ve been having certainly reflect that. Whether it’s the recent invitation to speak at the World Economic Forum or the inclusion the FreightTech 100 list, the industry is starting to take notice.

We have been working hard perfecting our business model. With the prevalence of projects that rely on the value of their token increasing in order to fund their company, we knew that wasn’t sustainable. Fr8 Network have been designing a roadmap and plan that maintains our brand as a leader in logistics for trust and integrity. Doing so has taught us a lot about the space and I want to summarize that:

  • Our company policy of embracing amazing design will be a big differentiator in adoption.
  • Logistics as an industry is not ready to embrace full decentralization.
  • We have to meet the industry on their level before propelling them into our vision.

It has been a valuable couple of months building and evangelizing the vision of Fr8 Network. Interest in the Fr8 Protocol has been growing, and the Fr8 Marketplace is set to change how businesses experience freight bookings. It is all immensely exciting and we hope you are just as excited as we are.

Jim our Chief Solutions Officer has been globetrotting and spreading the message of Fr8 Network to world leaders and top executives. Our network in Southeast Asia has grown to include a valuable partnership with COIC, And we’ve announced our integration with Roambee as a partner!

Now, what can you community member do to help? Fr8 Network succeeds the more people know about our vision. The project is revolutionary and we expect every member of the logistics ecosystem to be affected by the things we build. With the amount of people in the world employed by logistics services, finding someone in your network to mention this idea to would be immensely helpful. We welcome anyone in the world to take a look and are open to a conversation.

Fr8 Network is pushing into key strategic markets like Korea and China. With marketing efforts underway we know that global success requires a presence in the largest ports and logistics ecosystems. Partnerships with Korean Blockchain company COIC and global firms like the World Economic Forum have set us up for success once the Fr8 Protocol goes public.

Once again, thank you for your support thus far. I encourage you to join us on this incredible journey and sign up for our email newsletter, or simply follow us on any of our social media channels. My team and I are here to answer your questions and we always appreciate feedback from our community.


Sloane Brakeville

CEO & Founder, Fr8 Network



Sloane Brakeville
Fr8 Network

Economics, Game Theory, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Supply Chain and Live Music. #Fr8Network