Fr8 Network’s CIO takes on advisory roles for two powerful blockchain projects

Fr8 Network Team
Fr8 Network
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2018

Fr8 Network’s Chief Innovation Officer Jim Regenor’s background as Director for Transformative Technologies at specialty aircraft design and manufacturing firm MOOG, coupled with his keen interest in blockchain technology makes him a unique and highly sought-after resource person for projects in emerging industries.

Not to mention his experience in the White House; representing the NSA for the Chief of Staff’s daily strategy meeting is no small feat. We at Fr8 Network have to say: we’re still pumped on Jim joining the team.

Which is why we’re excited to announce that Jim has agreed to take on advisory roles for two additional notable projects: Aerochain and the Blockchain Research Institute. Both of these projects reflect Jim’s talents and can only bring great projects closer together.

Jim speaking at the Business of Blockchain: MIT Technology Review

Blockchain Research Institute (BRI)

Recently, the Blockchain Research Institute (BRI) invited Jim to become an official advisor for the project, which is an initiative focused on spearheading research on the impact of blockchain technology on business, government, and society.

Don Tapscott, author of several highly acclaimed books including Blockchain Revolution, and hailed by Thinkers50 as the world’s most influential leader in digital thinking and the second most influential living management thinker, reached out to Jim about building aerospace defense and logistics verticals for BRI. Don is currently the executive chairman of BRI, and he has been reaching out to Jim for his expertise in these fields.

“Collaboration is the rocket fuel for innovation and collaborative vehicles like the Blockchain Research Institute are the vehicles that will take us to this new ‘trust’ economy and beyond!” — Jim Regenor.

Watch Don give a speech at the Blockchain Research Institute All-Member Summit:


Jim’s background in aerospace is proving to be a vital resource in today’s technologically evolving industries. He previously led a large aircraft maintenance organization and has lots of connections in commercial aviation and business jet aviation.

Anthony Shook, CEO of Aerochain, in recognizing Jim’s vast experience and expertise, reached out for his support in developing the project and strategic partnerships. Jim is taking on this role as advisor for Aerochain, a project that aims to modernize the way aeronautic industry data is managed; from the outdated and antiquated record keeping processes to secure, tamper-proof, and real-time blockchain execution.

Jim has mentioned that Fr8 Network and Aerochain can “expect some synergies between their technologies,” learning from each other while covering different issues in the industry and serving different use cases. Jim’s involvement with Aerochain adds to his growing arsenal of powerful blockchain projects that would change the industry for the better.

See this video of Jim synthesizing the aerospace supply chain and blockchain:

More Mentions of Jim

In addition to Jim’s rapidly growing list of credentials, he was recently mentioned in Mary C. Lacity’s newly published book, A Manager’s Guide to Blockchains for Business: From Knowing What to Knowing How 2018, and contributed to writing up the inner jacket cover. The book comes out June 25th.



Fr8 Network Team
Fr8 Network

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