Tiffany Rohena
1 min readSep 13, 2017


The wind is howling

Paranoid, I’m paranoid

Penetrating through the debris

Shivering I remain

The waters come down

From the heavens

Cleansing everything

Except consuming thoughts

That are unceasing fire

The loneliness I’ve felt

Is no longer there

Nature keeps me company

As I fight away their voices

Into an abyss, I submerge

Destruction, chaos and death

Body and spirit crumble

Everywhere I look, everything I see

The voices are winning this battle

I tremble, I am trembling

Strength is all I crave

Impotence has no place

For I have many others to save

Tiffany Rohena

Sum stella splendens in caelo. Aprendí latín porque tengo fascinación con aquello que está muerto, como los sueños de ser escritora, por ejemplo.