Beautiful Things Are Coming

Tay Vélez 🇵🇷
Fractal Puerto Rico
1 min readJan 1, 2017

Beautiful things are coming
Neat collection of words, isn’t it?
Appealing to the optimist and the poet
lightweight and articulate.

They belong to the tune “Lullaby”
Composed by Antony Green, his tune of choice
For singing his son to sleep with his tenor voice
It sounds like lemongrass and sparkling bright eyes.

Beautiful things are coming
I painted the lyric on my bedroom wall
Hoping it would give me motivation and calm
It’s been two years, and it hasn’t at all.

I read the red-violet words I wrote in bold cursive
Not a single one travels past my throat
I can’t digest the truths I must know
My systems are nothing but counterproductive.

Beautiful things are coming
A message a grade school kid can understand
Yet in my depressed mind, it slips in the quicksand
Melts like a snowman in Thailand.

I want to believe in the words in front of me
I was told that beauty is always present
And no amount of pain can destroy the pleasant
Though it makes it difficult to perceive.

Beautiful things are coming
Lately, I’ve been feeling better
Scars are fading under my sweater
From the lyric on my wall I eagerly read every letter

Beautiful things are coming.


I’ve embedded a video containing the song referenced in this poem for any reader who wishes to listen.

Lullaby by Anthony Green



Tay Vélez 🇵🇷
Fractal Puerto Rico

Huge nerd with too many interests. Occasionally pens poetry. Mostly just writes pop punk songs to the backtrack of the sick ass guitar I wish I could play