
Víctor Samuel
Fractal Puerto Rico
1 min readAug 1, 2017

What happened to us?

When we were younger,

We used to run until our lungs would explode and reform back together.

We would play, without the thought

of falling and scraping our knees/

without the thought of getting hurt.

We would laugh uncontrollably,

testing to see who would do it louder.

We would confess our feelings,

poorly, but surely.

But now,

we explode our lungs with cigarettes.

we compete against one another to see who grabs more likes and comments, those that inflate our egos like balloons waiting to be popped.

we encrypt I love you’s and hugs.

we are afraid of falling, we are afraid of the pain.

We continue to run, but now we run from ourselves.

What happened to us?

What happened to us?

What happened to us?

