Facts: The Fractional Protocol Doesn’t Rely on the Fractional.art Site

The three smart contracts which power the fractional experience are accessible to anyone with an internet connection!

4 min readAug 3, 2021


The Fractional Protocol is deployed on the Ethereum mainnet, a decentralized blockchain network, and it is not held, hosted, or controlled by any centralized database or entity. For an overview of the concepts and properties of the protocol, you can review the Gitbook docs. You can even see a deep dive into the contracts themselves to dissect each function thanks to 0xkowloon here.

While fractional.art has popularized the existing protocol by building a gateway for members of the community to interact with the smart contract, anyone is free to interact with these contracts directly, or even build their own front-end GUI using the freely available fractional smart contracts below:

When an NFT is fractionalized, it is transferred from the curator’s wallet to a new smart contract (i.e. vault) that is created by the fractional contract based on the inputs set by the curator (see steps at the bottom of this article). Fractional.art has no control over the vaults that are created nor can fractional.art alter or modify the behavior and capabilities of these smart contracts.

So What You’re Telling Me Is… I Can Still Create, Manage, or Interact With a Vault Even If Fractional.Art Disappears?

Yes! For the purposes of this post, we’ll be looking at how to create a vault through etherscan.io for those of you who are either hesitant to use the GUI we’ve built, would like to build your own interface to interact with the protocol, or just want to learn more about smart contracts by getting your hands dirty.

This Sounds Complicated, Are you Sure?

Positive, take a look at the following steps:

Step 1) Navigate to etherscan.io and copy+paste the Fractional Contract For Creating Vaults Which Contain a Single NFT from the list above into the search bar (or just click here for convenience)

Step 2) Select ‘Contract’ then ‘Write Contract’

Step 3) Connect your Web3 wallet (such as MetaMask) which contains your Ethereum (for gas fees) and the ERC-721 NFT you’d like to fractionalize

Steps 2 and 3 are pictured here
If you’ve performed step 3 correctly, you should now see this button with your wallet address in [brackets]

Step 4) Select ‘Mint’ to reveal a drop down of fields

Step 5) Input the NFT contract address from your wallet of the NFT you’d like to fractionalize in the ‘id’ field, and define all the parameters for its vault. See below for a description of each parameter:

  • name: the fullname of the ERC-20 token which will represent the fractional ownership of your locked up NFT
  • symbol: your desired symbol (e.g., ABC123) of the ERC-20 fractions
  • token: the ethereum contract address of the NFT which you are choosing to fractionalize
  • id: the unique identifier used for your ERC-721 NFT in its respective smart contract
  • supply: the desired total supply of the ERC-20 token (no limits)
  • listPrice: the initial reserve price at the start of ERC-20 fraction ownership (no limits) Learn more here.
  • fee: the curator fee (from which is paid to the owner of the fractional asset (enter a value between 0 and 0.1, any values greater than 0.1 will return a failed transaction)

Step 6) Select ‘Write’ then sign and approve your transaction through your wallet and viola! Your vault has been created and you should now possess 100% of the new fractional token supply in the wallet you connected in step 3.

Step 7) Choose to do what you’d like with your newly minted fractions

Once your vault is created, you can write directly to the vault’s contract

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Disclaimer: The Fractional Token Company, its officers, team, and community representatives are not registered financial advisors. All opinions shared on Twitter, Discord, or through other public channels are those of the respective individuals alone. Fractions (fractional ownership tokens) are solely intended to increase participant access to collectable, provable ownership of digital art and their respective communities. Fractional does not condone the creation, buying, or selling fractions as a means of investment. The Fractional Token Company is not responsible for how curators choose to market their NFTs. Similarly, The Fractional Token Company does not create, handle, or manage the intermediary platforms, or networks through which fractions can be transferred, sold, or purchased. Publications from Fractional.art are solely for information and entertainment purposes only. Please consult and work directly with tax, legal, financial, and investment professionals before making any fractional creation, transferring, and purchasing decisions.

