Powerful JavaScript Tips

Multidimensional Arrays In JavaScript: The Right Way

If you want to master a language, you have to use it to solve algorithms and problems. Multidimensional arrays are a must for this.

Published in
5 min readFeb 25, 2022


A 3-dimensional glass cube.
A 3-dimensional cube | WantLine on Dribbble

For many JavaScript developers out there, arrays are usually nothing but a simple linear container that you can put anything inside. That’s not a shame because, for a basic website, this is all you need. You don’t have to get fancier and try new data types.

However, if you’re serious about your relationship with JavaScript and want to do more than good ol’ websites, you get to know it better and see it in a way that others cannot.

Let’s start with the other dimensions of the array.

What Is A Multidimensional Array?

Arrays are, by default, linear data types in that you can put data after one another. The data you put inside can be anything. It can be strings, integers, floats, objects, or even another array. This is the foundation of the multidimensional array concept: Storing arrays inside of another array.

Based on how many parameters you need in order to locate a value, the data structure gets a different name. If only one…




Hi, I am Can. I have been working on web development for a while. I am currently an EEE student at Koc University. I like creating music, as well.