Legendary massive graffiti mural space which was whitewashed by developers in 2014. Image courtesy of Flickr

CultureFlash: Hollywood is “Whitewashed” (2/24/2017)

Arts, Technology, and Business Stories To Watch by Fractured Atlas


Every week, we find the most interesting and important stories at the intersection of the Arts, technology, and business and share them with you. (If you’d like to get these in your e-mail inbox you can subscribe to here).

Check back every week for insightful and eye-opening stories that peaked our interest, and hopefully yours too.

A study out of University of Southern California found Hollywood studios “whitewashed” and gave them all failing grades.

“When we start to step back to see this larger ecology, I think we see a picture of exclusion,” said Smith. “And it doesn’t match the norms of the population of the United States.”

The report did find some bright spots for diversity in television. ABC announcing that its next president is a Black woman certainly helps on that front.

Dungey is the first black person to lead a major broadcast network. […] “Channing is a gifted leader and a proven magnet for top creative talent, with an impressive record of developing compelling, breakthrough programming that resonates with viewers,” Disney-ABC Television Group chairman Ben Sherwood said in a statement.

Plus, it looks like Native Americans might be getting their own television channel.

“If a channel like All Nations Network succeeds, it would be a way for American Indians to do something as simple but crucial as making their own stories rather than waiting for mainstream TV to catch up.”

OPINION: Developing young donors takes more than just a party.

When organizations connect people through passion there’s no limit to what they can do. Simply throwing a party with hopes to snag a few board members down the road is not a long-term solution for staying relevant.

Artists are the newest amenity in this questionable new co-living real estate trend.

Plus, it wouldn’t be an authentic stint in Brooklyn if you didn’t have a bohemian neighbor. Even better if you get to share a kitchen with one! It’s just like living in a warehouse loft, except someone else cleans for you.

Why so many minority Millennials can’t get ahead.

For many Millennials of color, these sorts of trade-offs aren’t an anomaly. […] Their financial future is a rocky one, and much of it comes down to how much — or how little — assistance they receive.

Can you name the top four operas that FiveThirtyEight says dominates the Metropolitan Opera’s repertoire?

“But for the Met, which is the country’s largest and most influential opera company, their unrivaled popularity can present a challenge: How can it expand its repertoire while being dependent on the top tier’s popularity?”

A report out of Victoria University finds thatmental health woes are rife in the arts.

“It is difficult for people to maintain a healthy sense of self when they are consistently told their labour and skills are worth, quite literally, nothing.”

Fractured Atlas helped documentary filmmakers advocate for sensible copyright law.

Documentary filmmakers like Gordon, who could not do their jobs without breaking digital locks to access copyrighted works and legally incorporate them into their films, have to devote valuable time and resources to filing for this exemption every three years — and make their case from scratch each time.

How fishballs became a symbol of protest in Hong Kong:

“[This] so-called ‘Fish Ball Revolution” really isn’t about fishballs at all,” Jason Y. Ng, a Hong-Kong based activist, writes in the Hong Kong Free Press. “[It] is about citizens fed up with the daily abuse by an unelected and unaccountable government led by an unelected and unaccountable chief executive.”

Fractured Atlas is a nonprofit technology organization that helps artists with the business side of their creative work. To find out more about Fractured Atlas, or to get involved, visit us here.

