In which Ian Moss bodyslams Greta van Susteren…

Adam Huttler
Fractured Atlas Blog
2 min readAug 7, 2009


by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas

Today’s must-read blog post for fellow culturati is Ian Moss’s ruthless takedown of the would-be culture-warrior jackasses at Fox News. Teaser:

As is rather par for the course for Fox, the network has trouble getting even the most basic facts in its story right. First, these programs are not actually funded with taxpayer dollars at all — the NEA grants were specifically earmarked for staff positions, not programming, a fact pointed out by everyone Abrams interviewed but presented in the article as if it’s some sort of unverified claim. As anyone who has actually applied for an NEA grant knows, there are these things called “contracts” that come along with them that make damn well sure you spend the money on what you said it would get spent on…. Even these gaffes, though, pale in comparison to Fox’s strained relationship with basic reading and math skills. Whoever sent out the talking points about this got — get this — the NEA’s portion of the stimulus money wrong! You can’t get much more basic than that.

Now read the whole thing. This would be all be quite funny if it weren’t also rather scary.

Adam Huttler is the Executive Director at Fractured Atlas, a nonprofit technology company that helps artists with the business aspects of their work. To learn more about Fractured Atlas, or to get involved, visit us here.

