Member Spotlight: Agatha Wright of Fluxus Haus

by Molaundo Jones, Social Media Specialist at Fractured Atlas

Molaundo Jones
Fractured Atlas Blog
4 min readFeb 19, 2019


Agatha Wright, Founder of Fluxus Haus

Agatha Wright has been a member of Fractured Atlas since 2017. She is the Founder of Fluxus Haus, a Miami-based production company centering on counter-culture initiatives and arts programming in dance, theater, music, painting, and design. Fluxus Haus’ project “Diaphanous” is an abstract cabaret about the intrusive nature of technology in the 21st century. Using the notion of Bertold Brecht’s Epic Theater, the lines between reality and fiction are blurred while the spectator is made to question how our virtual lives intersect and influence our personal lives.

How has Fractured Atlas benefitted your revenue/income generation?
Fractured Atlas provides artists with the umbrella to apply for larger operational and production grants. This in turn allows the artist to develop work encompassing the support of major arts partners and governmental organizations that elevate the quality of the production. This is crucial to elevating the art form and expanding in my practice.

Fractured Atlas has assisted in providing my organization the appropriate templates, resources, and information regarding grants and programs for choreographers and curators. This has propelled the professional development of my organization and expanded my opportunities to apply for funding.

Fluxus Haus performers

What specific Fractured Atlas services/programs have you used?
I have used template forms, grant resources, and one-on-one counseling with Fractured Atlas customer service representatives.

Why do you think artists and organizations should become members of Fractured Atlas?
Fractured Atlas is the leading organization providing Fiscal Sponsorship in the United States. This allows artists, dance companies and new organizations to continue to pursue their artistic endeavors and develop work despite not having 501(c)(3) status.

What has been one of your biggest challenge as an artist or for your arts project and how did you push through it?
Financing each work is always the most challenging endeavor. There are many talented artists in Miami but funding is limited. I have managed to continue to produce through the gracious efforts of in-kind support from organizations, artistic partnerships, and the dedication of my dancers- who have supported me from the beginning of my career and continue to do so today. I am forever grateful for their dedication and for believing in my talent and ideas.

Do you have any upcoming events that people should know about?
Our next performance will be on March 28th at the Frank Gallery-Pembroke Civic Center. It is a performance celebrating Women’s History Month. I will be presenting a new work titled FEMINA-VER. A piece that celebrates the successes women and men have accomplished together in the fight for equal rights.

What is your biggest accomplishment as a result of being a Fractured Atlas member?
I have currently moved to the final round of the Choreographer’s Grant application through the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs funding program. Through the mentorship and direction of the Fractured Atlas umbrella I am well on my way to obtaining greater funding for my projects. I would not have been able to do so without the resources provided by Fractured Atlas!

Agatha Wright

You can learn more and follow Fluxus Haus and Agatha at; on Instagram at @Ladyflux; and on LinkedIn at

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Fractured Atlas is a nonprofit technology organization that helps artists with the business side of their creative work. To find our more about Fractured Atlas, or get involved, visit us here.



Molaundo Jones
Fractured Atlas Blog

Social Media Specialist + Editor of Fractured Atlas Blog