Theory of Change: A Co-Learning Lab for Planning Your Next Steps

by Courtney Harge, External Relations Specialist at Fractured Atlas

Courtney Harge
Fractured Atlas Blog
2 min readFeb 1, 2019


Join our Co-Learning Lab!

Do you have an excellent idea without knowing where to start? Do you have an established practice or project that is ready to “go to the next level”? Do you know what that “next level” is? How do you find out?

One tool to use is a Theory of Change: a model for connecting your outcomes to your activities.

A Theory of Change is an excellent resource for strategic planning and assessing the success of your work in a way that you can communicate to your fans (and funders)! Fractured Atlas is hosting an online co-learning lab to help you develop and perfect your own Theory of Change. If you’re stuck, this is the learning opportunity for you.

How do you know where you’re going? A Theory of Change can tell you.

This 90-minute premium webinar will provide live feedback, individual exercises, and small group work. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from your Fractured Atlas facilitators and your peers. We’ll also provide you with case studies and an opportunity to get a personalized response to your own Theory of Change! The details are below:

  • When: Thursday, February 28th at 7pm EST
  • Where: Online via Zoom (Registered participants will be emailed a link to the webinar a few days before.)
  • How Much: $45

Register with code FAPREMIUM before February 15th and you can join for only $15!

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Fractured Atlas is a nonprofit organization that helps over 1.2 million artists of all stripes with the business aspects of their work. To learn more about Fractured Atlas, or to get involved, visit us here.

