Upcoming Grant Deadlines and Opportunities (2/27/19)

by Aisha Jordan, Program Associate at Fractured Atlas

Fractured Atlas
Fractured Atlas Blog
12 min readFeb 26, 2019


If you are in New York State and you’re interested in applying for 2020 NYSCA funding, please read through this blog post for information about our review process and internal timeline.

New England Foundation for the Arts is accepting applications for National Dance Project Production Grants.

Description: NDP Production Grants provide funding to artists/companies to create new dance works and touring subsidies to the U.S. organizations who bring that work to their communities.

Choreographers and/or dance companies apply to receive intertwined support for the creation and U.S. touring of a new dance work, which will be developed and premiere within 1–2 years from the deadline and will tour following the premiere. Applicants should demonstrate that they are working with an organizational partner who is helping to support the new work’s creation and/or touring in a significant way.

Creation funds and general operating funds are paid directly to the artist or their fiscal sponsor to cover expenses related to making the new work during the creation period. Grant recipients are expected to complete a final report within 40 days of the project’s premiere as designated in the contract.

Geographic Focus: National

Deadline: March 1, 2019

California Humanities is accepting applications for the Library Innovation Lab.

Description: Now entering its third year, theLibrary Innovation Lab (LIL) program supports the design and delivery of responsive and relevant public humanities programming in California’s public libraries by providing a nine-month practice-based professional development experience (and cash grants of up to $5,000) to participating library programmers.

The 2019 cohort of library “innovators” will research, design, implement and assess a small scale, short-term public humanities project at their library between April 1 and December 31, 2019. Working in a collaborative learning environment that will incorporate face-to-face and virtual group meetings as well as individualized advising, participants will acquire new skills and knowledge in programming and project management, build confidence and develop capacity in working with immigrants and other target audiences and exercise creativity and imagination through experimenting with new programming approaches.

Geographic Focus: California

Deadline: March 1, 2019

The Laguna Beach Alliance is accepting applications for their [seven-degrees] of inspiration grant.

Description: The goal of the [seven-degrees] of inspiration grant is to provide support for an emerging or established artist to develop and present an innovative arts project or program that advances recognition of Laguna Beach as a vibrant arts city and is meant to challenge artists to pursue creativity beyond the bounds that they have normally attempted. This enables the artist to expand and diversity his/her audience and is a reflection on Laguna Beach as a city that encourages innovation in the arts.

Each year LBAA presents the “Art Star Awards” to honor the best and brightest of Laguna Beach’s diverse artistic community. Next year will mark the 13th Annual Art Star Awards to be held at [seven-degrees], and with it comes an exciting opportunity for an individual southern California-based artist to receive a $5,000 grant. This grant is generously funded by [seven-degrees].

Geographic Focus: Southern California

Due Date: March 1, 2019

The Japan-United Stated Friendship Commission is accepting applications for U.S.-Japan Creative Artists Fellowship Program.

Description: In 2020, the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games will be held in Tokyo, Japan. This event offers longtime partners, JUSFC and NEA the opportunity to highlight U.S.-Japan collaboration and the U.S.-Japan relationship. JUSFC and NEA invite leading contemporary and traditional artists from the United States to apply for a unique collaborative artistic fellowship designed to highlight U.S.-Japan artistic partnerships during the Olympic Games in Tokyo. The completed collaborative artistic projects will be showcased in Tokyo during the Olympic Games July 24-August 9, 2020, and/or Paralympic Games August 25- September 6, 2020.

JUSFC and NEA will support and select up to five collaborative projects of U.S.-Japan artists representative of diverse genres and regions of both countries. The 2019–20 program is only for collaborative pairs, and not for individual artists. Alumni of the U.S.-Japan Creative Artists Program are encouraged to apply.

  • Each collaborative team will receive a $25,000 fellowship award and up to $2,500 for one round trip airline ticket between the United States and Japan.
  • The collaborative team will have one year (July 1, 2019-July 1, 2020) to complete their project. The award may be used for any expenses directly related to the project, including, but not limited to living expenses in Japan, cost of project materials etc.
  • The artists must complete a collaborative work incorporating the vision of the Olympic and Paralympic games to present in Tokyo during the Games in 2020.
  • The Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission will collaborate with public and private sector organizations in and around Tokyo to host performances and presentations of the artists’ works.
  • Exhibition sites will be selected depending on the specific project.

Geographic Focus: National

Deadline: March 1, 2019 Cover Sheet Submission / March 29th for narrative questions to be submitted.

The Watermill Center is accepting applications for their International Summer Program.

Description: The Watermill Center has hosted the International Summer Program, uniting over 80 artists from more than 25 countries for a five-week creative intensive. The Summer Program provides a unique opportunity to work with established professionals in the international arts world; to forge an international community of artists from a broad range of experience levels and disciplines; and to investigate what it means to be a “global artist.”

The International Summer Program is focused on collaboration and building an artistic community. Every participant contributes to the development of site-specific works, performing arts and design workshops, as well as attending lectures and taking part in landscaping, construction and design projects. Artists apply as individuals and participate in all aspects of programmed projects and activities.

Geographic Focus: National

Due Date: March 4, 2019

IFP is accepting applications for their Documentary Lab.

Description: The IFP Filmmaker Labs ensure that talented, emerging voices receive the support, resources, and industry exposure necessary to complete, market and distribute their first feature. Focusing exclusively on low-budget features (<$1million), this highly immersive program provides filmmakers with the technical, creative and strategic tools necessary to launch their films — and their careers. Open to all first-time feature documentary and narrative directors with films in post-production.

Now entering its 15th year, the IFP Filmmaker Labs annually selects 10 fiction features and 10 nonfiction features — all in post-production and directed by first-time feature filmmakers — and provides the creative teams behind these films with key support through the completion, marketing, and distribution of their work. The Filmmaker Labs consist of three modules: the Completion Lab, IFP Week (September 2019), and the Marketing & Distribution Lab (December 2019).

Geographic Focus: National

Deadline: March 5, 2019

The Queens Council on the Arts is accepting applications for their ArtPort Residency.

Description: The ArtPort Residency — a program of the Queens Council on the Arts (QCA) in collaboration with the Port Authority New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ), LaGuardia Airport — offers a unique opportunity to a Queens artist to interact with the thousands of visitors that come through the region daily within the airport, and bring an engaging cultural experience to the space.

Artists chosen for the ArtPort Residency are asked to produce work that is inspired by and provides a gateway into the dynamic cultural life of Queens. Resident artists will have access to the studio for 3 months to create new work and present to the public, and receive a stipend of $6,500.

Geographic Focus: National

Deadline: March 8, 2019

Artist Trust is accepting applications for 2019 Artist Trust Fellowships.

Description: Artist Trust Fellowships are merit-based awards of $10,000 to practicing professional artists of exceptional talent and ability residing in Washington State. These unrestricted awards are given annually to 10+ artists in recognition of artistic excellence and dedication to their practice. The first Fellowship Awards were selected in 1987, making it Artist Trust’s longest-running award program. Beginning in 2018, Fellowship is now open to artists of all disciplines each year and will no longer rotate between disciplines on a two-year cycle.

Geographic Focus: Washington

Deadline: March 11, 2019

Jim Henson Foundation is accepting letters of intent for Production, Workshop, and Family grants.

Description: The Jim Henson Foundation awards grants each year for the creation and development of innovative works of puppet theater. Production Grants of $7,000 are awarded for the production of new works ready to be presented in the coming year. Workshop Grants of $3,000 are for the development and workshopping of these pieces. Workshop Grants and Production Grants can be combined over a two year period for the greatest benefit to the piece; keep in mind, however, that a Production Grant does not need to be proceeded by a Workshop grant and a Workshop Grant in no way ensures a future Production Grant.

Family Grants of $4,000 fund the development of new and innovative work specifically for children, families, and teenagers. Please keep in mind that Family Grants will be evaluated by the same high artistic standards as works for adults.

Grants are made only for the development of new works of live puppet theater. The Foundation does not award funds for the presentation or remounting of existing work. Grants cannot be applied retroactively; substantial portions of a proposed project must take place after the funds are awarded. The foundation does not fund publications, parades, pageants, exhibitions, spectacle, festivals, film or television projects, projects for school credit, workshops, education or outreach activities, or purely digital performance.

Geographic Focus: National

Deadline: March 11, 2019

New England Foundation for the Arts is also accepting applications for National Theater Project Creation and Touring Grants.

Description: Creation & Touring Grants provide funds for creation and U.S. touring of artist-led, ensemble, devised projects. These grants are highly competitive and are awarded to approximately six projects annually.

Theater artists apply to receive support for both the development and U.S. touring of artist-led, ensemble, devised theater projects. Grants support the development of the project, costs and incentives needed to establish a plan for touring, and subsidies for presentation of the work. Funded projects are expected to complete an evaluation within one month of the project premiere as designated in the contract.

Awards range from $80,000 to $130,000. Part of the award is distributed directly to the artist to support creation and development. The remaining grant amount is set aside as artist-directed allocations distributed to presenters of their choice to cover part of their artist fee.

Geographic Focus: National

Deadline: March 11, 2019

The Santa Barbara County Office of Arts and Culture is accepting application for their Disaster Relief Grant.

Description: The County of Santa Barbara received federal funding to establish a one-time Disaster Relief Grant program for creative professionals and nonprofits who sustained economic losses as a result of the Thomas Fire and/or 1/9 Debris Flow. Please note that this funding is designated specifically for arts and culture community members impacted by the aforementioned disasters.The county office encourages all artists, cultural practitioners, and nonprofits to review the following information regarding additional disaster relief, resilience and preparedness resources available to the community.

The goal of this grant program is to help individual artists, cultural practitioners and small nonprofits (with an annual operating budget less than $500,000) economically impacted by the Thomas Fire and/or 1/9 Debris Flow. The funding will support basic and arts-related needs. Artists can be employed part-time or on a freelance basis to qualify. Applicants who live or work elsewhere in the County are also eligible as long as they also live or work in the listed geographical region.

Geographic Focus: Santa Barbara County: Carpinteria, Summerland, Montecito and Santa Barbara

Deadline: March 15, 2019

California Humanities is accepting applications for The California Documentary Project (CDP) Next Gen Grant.

Description: The California Documentary Project (CDP) is a competitive grant program that supports the research and development and production stages of film, audio, and digital media projects that seek to document California in all its complexity.

CDP NEXT GEN grants are designed for youth media organizations in support of emerging California media makers age 18 and under. Presented in alignment with CA 2020: Youth Perspective and the Future of California, the new statewide initiative that focuses on the lives and experiences of young Californians, CDP NEXT GEN invites applications from California-based nonprofit organizations and public agencies with established track records in youth media programming to provide training and support to emerging media makers in the creation of short, insightful nonfiction films and/or podcasts that tell original stories about life in California today. NEXT GEN intends to support short documentary films or podcasts that shed light on not only the problems communities face, but also on the solutions that youth are proposing and the futures they envision.

Geographic Focus: California

Deadline: March 15, 2019

SF Film is accepting applications for their Catapult Documentary Fellowship.

Description: SFFILM and the Catapult Film Fund support filmmakers in the early stages of development on compelling, story-driven, feature-length documentary films. The fellowship is geared towards emerging filmmakers who have directed short films previously and for whom this is their first feature, or filmmakers who have directed one or two features already.

Awards are made once a year to three films. In addition to a $10,000 grant, fellows receive mentorship by industry professionals whose work or artistic approach aligns with the filmmaker’s goals, guidance from SFFILM and Catapult Film Fund staff, and access to SFFILM’s FilmHouse residency and dynamic suite of artist development services. This fellowship will allow filmmakers to create a strong fundraising trailer and core application with which they can seek to bring on additional key team members, partners, and funders

Geographic Focus: National

Deadline: March 20, 2019

Southern Exposure: Performing Arts of Latin America with Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation is accepting applications for their booking fee grants program.

Description: Southern Exposure: Performing Arts of Latin America is a grant program in the United States designed to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the richness and diversity of Latin American cultures through the work of its contemporary and traditional performing artists. The program provides fee support to nonprofit presenters based in the United States and its territories that book artists on a curated roster that changes annually.

All funded engagements are required to include public performances and complementary activities that provide audiences with direct interaction with the visiting artists. An emphasis is placed on funding engagements in communities that have little access to this type of work. The 2019–2020 roster is available for booking.

Geographic Focus: National

Due Date: March 25, 2019

National Arts and Disability Center is accepting applications for the Arts and Accessibility funds.

Description: The National Arts and Disability Center at UCLA has announced the availability of 2019 Arts and Accessibility grants funding, in partnership with the California Arts Council. Applications opened last week for the statewide program, which offers financial support and assistance to increase opportunities to engage with the arts by people with disabilities throughout California by providing small but critical grants to individual artists and arts organizations.

California-based arts organizations may request up to $5,000 to support the inclusion of artists with disabilities in arts programming through provision of accommodations, or to increase the attendance and enhance the experience for audiences with disabilities.

Geographic Focus: California

Deadline: Rolling until funds are used

Fractured Atlas is a nonprofit technology organization that helps artists with the business side of their creative work. To find out more about Fractured Atlas, or get involved, visit us here.

