By Evan-Amos — Own work, Public Domain,

Upcoming Grant Deadlines and Opportunities (4/12/2016)

by Theresa Hubbard, Program Specialist, Fiscal Sponsorship at Fractured Atlas

Fractured Atlas
5 min readApr 12, 2016


California Historical Society is accepting applications for the California Historical Society Book Award.

Description: The California Historical Society (CHS) and Heyday have established the California Historical Society Book Award for a book-length manuscript that makes an important contribution to both scholarship and to the greater community by deepening public understanding of some aspect of California history. The prize carries a $5,000 advance and publication in both print and e-book formats by CHS/Heyday, with an awards ceremony, ample promotion, and an author tour throughout the state.

The purpose of the award is to recognize and promote an exciting new literary work in celebration of California’s heritage. The ideal manuscript will inform the mind and delight the imagination of readers while generating a deeper understanding of California’s rich history. The work must adhere to high scholarly and literary standards and must be lively and engaging to general readers. In addition to conventional works of historical scholarship, other genres will be considered such as biographies, collections of letters or essays, creative nonfiction or other stimulating literary forms.

Geographic Focus: National, with a focus on California History

Deadline: May 1, 2016

LA Center Studios is accepting submissions for its 2nd Annual Filmmaker Competition.

Description: Beginning April 11th through May 11th, the Los Angeles Center Studios Filmmaker Competition invites all emerging filmmakers to submit their original film for the chance to have it shown at our state-of-the-art 350-seat-theater screening event. This year, there will be a public voting poll, which will open starting May 12th through May 20th for all fans and viewers to show their support. The three (3) contestants with the highest votes will be automatically qualified for the final round of winner selection.

Films that have been previously submitted and/or featured at film festivals are eligible for submission. Films that have been released via any home video or other distribution platform including, but not limited to, DVD, Blu-ray or video on demand, broadcast on television or the Internet, or had a public theatrical screening anywhere in the world, are not eligible for this program.

Geographic Focus: National

Deadline: May 11, 2016

Berkeley Film Foundation is accepting applications for its 2016 film and video grant program.

Description: The BFF fund will support Bay Area emerging and established independent filmmakers whose work combines intellectual clarity with creative use of the medium. BFF will award 2 grants to Oakland filmmakers who live or work in Oakland. 1 grant will be awarded to a film with an Oakland theme or story* and 1 will be for any Oakland-based filmmaker who meets BFF’s general qualifications.

Berkeley FILM Foundation awards grants in the production, post-production and distribution stages. Maximum grant request is $12,000. Applicants may submit one project for consideration per funding cycle. If you are a previous grant award winner, you may not reapply in consecutive years. If you do reapply for the same project, it should be for funding in another category.

Geographic Focus: Berkeley, Emeryville, Albany, El Cerrito, Richmond or Oakland, CA

Deadline: May 13, 2016

14x48 is accepting proposals for the 2016 Open Call for Billboards.

Description: 14x48 repurposes vacant billboards as public art space in order to create more opportunities in public art for emerging artists, to challenge emerging artists to engage more with public art, and to enliven the vibrancy of our urban environment.

14x48 invites proposals for a billboard project to be installed in New York City. Proposals must include an original work of art that can be printed and installed on an outdoor billboard. The exact billboard location in New York City cannot be determined in advance.

Geographic Focus: National

Deadline: May 16, 2016 at 10pm EDT

Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation is accepting applications for the French-American Jazz Exchange.

Description: The French-American Jazz Exchange (“FAJE”) celebrates the shared cultural passion for jazz in France and the United States. A partnership of FACE Foundation (“French American Cultural Exchange”), the Cultural Services of the French Embassy, and Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation, the program is designed to initiate and extend the creative and professional development of jazz artists from France and the United States through support for the collaborative investigation of artistic practice and activities that provide exposure to new audiences and professional relationships.

FAJE supports projects jointly conceived by French and American professional musicians that encourage artistic exploration, foster intercultural dialogue, and contribute to the dynamism of jazz. FAJE annually awards individual project grants up to $25,000 through an open, competitive application process for projects that take place either in France or the United States and/or their respective territories, within a 16-month period. FAJE supports activities that may result in the creation of new work, establishment of new creative and professional partnerships, and development of new audiences. Projects may include jazz artists in France and/or the United States working with artists from different music genres.

Geographic Focus: United States and France

Deadline: May 27, 2016

Aaron Siskind Foundation is accepting applications for is 2016 Individual Photographer’s Fellowship.

Description: The Aaron Siskind Foundation is offering a limited number of Individual Photographer’s Fellowship grants of up to $10,000 each, for artists working in photography and photo-based art. Recipients will be determined by a panel of distinguished guest judges on the basis of artistic excellence, accomplishment to date, and the promise of future achievement in the medium in its widest sense. The Foundation seeks to support artists/photographers who demonstrate a serious commitment to the field, who are professionally active or employed in the field.

Geographic Focus: National

Deadline: May 30, 2016

Theresa Hubbard is a Fiscal Sponsorship Program Specialist for Fractured Atlas, a nonprofit technology organization that helps artists with the business side of their creative work. To find our more about Fractured Atlas, or get involved, visit us here.

