Photoessay: My first road trip

Sights of a thousand miles

Winnie Lim
Fragmented moments


Born in a country spanning almost 30 miles wide, I never had to drive for more than an hour. Whilst on travels there was never a need to rent a car, I had always opted for places where public transportation was convenient.

How does it feel to drive continuously alone, without a destination? I really wanted to know. I want my life to be full of dots I can look back one day and reconcile them to a feeling or a memory.

A thousand miles driven, 30 miles walked later, this is my story in pictures:

Endless miles of such views while driving on highway 1
I couldn’t help but hop out and look down

Santa Cruz

Apparently nobody told California that we were having a winter
The sea lions were frolicking as though it was summer
These blackened fish tacos were amazing
Catching a bird in flight


It was evening when I reached Monterey & the Wharf was my first experience with her
Standard fare at these wharfs
I have a major soft spot for these buildings

back to highway 1

It wasn’t as sunny on day two but the views were still astounding
I made a u-turn on the highway just to take a picture of this bridge
If you fancy food in the middle of nowhere
Can people get used to such beauty?
I caught a glimpse of beauty
And I stopped to catch it permanently

San Luis Obispo

Fancy cafes exist out of SF
Pismo beach somehow captured my heart
And they kept on waiting

Arroyo Grande

It wasn’t captured much in pictures, but this little village moved me.

I became fascinated with nooks like that

Santa Babara

Sunset captured from the wharf
Hard to tell what is this from the picture, but one of my best dinners ever (abalone cooked in wine)


At Bella Maggiore Inn (apparently famously haunted), where you can order whatever you want for breakfast
Almost felt like a different country


How could you not love Carmel?
Cute little shops like this one — everything Alice in the Wonderland

Point Lobos

The Whaler’s Cabin
I was fascinated with Chinese lettering was used on labels centuries ago
What was her story?
Spotted a wild deer!

The End

I documented my mid-way thoughts here. Driving on highway 1 down south is not an experience to be missed.

I loved the experience, not only because of these sights, but it was the constant sense of wonder while I wander.

