Fidel Castro’s Dirty Secrets: His Mistresses, Wives, Kids, and Lies

An army of women and a dozen children

Maria Milojković, MA
Fragments of History


Fidel Castro in Havana
Fidel Castro in Havana (1978) | Image by Marcelo Montecino on Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Fidel Castro (1926–2016) was a sex machine. That’s what his bodyguard Juan Reinaldo Sánchez claims in his book The Double Life of Fidel Castro (2015). The personal aide states that the former Cuban lifelong president slept with more than 35,000 women.

Líder Máximo obviously lived his life to the max. Allegedly, he had sex with at least two women a day. The hungry wolf would meet one babe for lunch, one for dinner, and sometimes one for breakfast just to spice things up. A few of his guys would regularly stroll the beaches of Havana, looking for a new beauty for their El Presidente.

Castro was most likely the father to eleven kids. In his 1993 interview for Vanity Fair, when they asked him how many children he had, Castro replied:

“Well, I don’t have a tribe. Not that much, fewer than a dozen.”

Eleven is fewer than twelve.

Funnily enough, while the Cubans were on the verge of poverty, their lifelong leader enjoyed abundance including a secret private harem: mistresses, children, and a wife or two.

Speaking of whom…

The first lady and “Little Fidel”



Maria Milojković, MA
Fragments of History

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