How Sharon Stone Lost Everything And Recreated a Better Life

From a sex bomb to a humanitarian

Maria Milojković, MA
Fragments of History


How Sharon Stone Lost Everything And Built Her New Self
Sharon Stone (2005) by Georges Biard on Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, altered by the author

A provocative scene can both skyrocket your career and destroy everything you have. Sharon Stone learned that the hard way.

When she filmed Basic Instinct (1992), Stone already had 18 movies behind her. She couldn’t even imagine the director’s request would turn her life upside down.

The erotic thriller with Michael Douglas launched her into global fame. After twelve years of acting, she was a worldwide phenomenon not for her stagecraft but because she crossed her legs without underwear.

From today’s perspective only 30 years later when people have the freedom to flaunt their genitals that isn’t such a big deal, right?


Sharon Stone had it all

In her mid-thirties, she was already married with a kid, and the fame Hollywood actresses craved for. Also, as a former model, she had the perfect beauty and Queen Madonna was jealous enough to call her mediocre.

Above all, Stone was smart and didn’t let Hollywood’s powerful men mess with her. In professional circles, she was considered “a difficult woman”. You know, those females who’d cause trouble for no reason.



Maria Milojković, MA
Fragments of History

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