Attention Management: Enhanced

Robbie Mitchell
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2018

For Slack channels that demand reliable response times, we’ve upgraded Frame’s Attention Management features to make sure no important conversation slips through the cracks. Attention Management is optional and can be enabled only in channels that need it.

With Attention Management turned on, Frame keeps track of the beginning and end of chat sessions, using these boundaries to help notify your team to respond to new conversations and resolve ongoing conversations you may have forgotten about. Because you can trust Frame to alert you when you’re needed, you can disable many of Slack’s default notifications.

Want to learn more? Schedule a call with our team and we’ll walk you through a demo.

Inactivity Alerts

  • Once Attention Management is enabled, Frame assigns an owner to each session. It can be the first person on your team to respond, or someone on your team can take ownership explicitly.
  • Every session needs to be closed with the /frame close shortcut or by using the /frame menu.
  • If a conversation owners forgets to close the session, Frame will use an in-channel ephemeral message (with @mention) to remind them after 15 minutes of inactivity, and occasionally after that. The owner can use thee reminder to close it or snooze future alerts until up to the next morning. This simple feature ensures you won’t forget about a conversation that hasn’t reached a conclusion!
Inactivity Alert

Daily Reminder

  • Every day at 9am local time, Frame will remind your team of any open sessions from the day before. This enables smooth handoff, with full context, to anyone taking over on-call duties.

Escalation Alerts

  • In each channel, you can designate one or more owners to be notified immediately when there’s a new conversation waiting.
  • In each channel, you can optionally designate a fallback alert to your global on-call team after x minutes.
Per-channel escalation settings

Global On-call Team

  • Designate the teammates available as either first responder or backup team depending on the channel.

DM Fallback

  • You can enable a secondary alert for both inactivity and escalations which sends a DM x minutes after the in-channel ephemeral message. This can be particularly helpful for off-hours where team members are on their phones and less likely to receive ephemeral alerts.

/frame close

  • Who has time for buttons? During an open frame, use /frame close to close it and move on to another channel — no menu required.

Away Messages

  • Away messages can now be enabled for specific channels or with a global away message that immediately sets all channels to away. When an away message is active for a given channel, the first customer message in that channel is met with a public response containing your away message.

Advanced Escalation

  • Frame Enterprise allows teams to set custom schedules (days/times) for escalation rules, unlimited escalation alerts and fallbacks, channel overrides, and more. Any notification can be set as ephemeral or DM. If you’re running a decent sized team in Active Mode, the schedule-based escalation and away message rules are probably for you.



Robbie Mitchell

Ops at —understand and act on what happens in your customer conversations