New: Starring, Archiving, and Review Flags

A post-Thanksgiving “thank you” to our power users for all their feedback

Robbie Mitchell
3 min readDec 5, 2019


With invaluable feedback from customers (hat tip to Bret and Ashley at Articulate and Jackie and Beck at Practice Ignition!), we devised some new ways for teams to coordinate their reviews in Frame and to permanently hide irrelevant conversations.

Photo by Ammar ElAmir on Unsplash

Starring and Archiving

Have you ever been reviewing an exchange and thought: “I need to get back to this later?” Or perhaps: “I never want to see this again?” Now Frame can keep track of those for you.

At the top left of the Exchange Details view, you’ll find two new icons, ⭐ (also available as ctrl =) and 🗑 (also available as ctrl -).

  • The ⭐ will make exchanges more visible in search results, and you can find just your starred entries by adding +is:starred to any query.
  • Meanwhile, exchanges in the 🗑 are automatically excluded from any search, unless you add is:archived to your search.

Bulk Archive

Want to hide a bunch of conversations at once? From the Browse dashboard, search for the exchange criteria you want to hide, then use the bulk editor to archive everything at once. Poof!


Using Frame’s Search/Actions rules, you can automatically archive conversations that match a desired search, keeping a cleaned up view of your stats and auto-annotated moments. For example, make sure Frame archives conversations tagged by your team as “spam.”

Review Flags

Frame is a great place to find conversations that are worth reviewing and acting on. But how do you keep track of your progress? We’ve been hearing from teams using tags to mark steps in handling a conversation, or even from those who export to a spreadsheet to make sure they get through a whole list. That sounds hard!

Now, you’ll see a list of emoji at the top-right of exchange details, which you can toggle as a marker for your teammates (or your future self). Like Slack reactions, you can use these emoji to mean whatever you want — but here is how we use them:

  • ❤️ (ctrl 1) is a marker for conversations that we want others to see for “good” reasons.
  • ❗ (ctrl 2) is a marker for those chats that we want others to see or act on because they are alarming.
  • 👀 (ctrl 3) says you’ve read a conversation, without committing to next steps.
  • ⚙️ (ctrl 4) says you’re working on a conversation, so your teammates should move on to other ones.
  • ✅ (ctrl 5) means a conversation and its reviews are finished.

Every review flag shows up on both exchange details and search results, so you can easily keep track of progress. And, you can use the is: search filter to require or exclude conversations with a particular emoji.

Happy flagging!



Robbie Mitchell

Ops at —understand and act on what happens in your customer conversations