Assignment: Promoting Good Animation

Corrie Francis Parks
Frame By Frame
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2018
  • Establish best practices and vocabulary for viewing and talking about animation.


This assignment is a good one to do the first day of class. Prepare by asking students what they feel are the qualities of good animation. List responses on the board as discussion continues. Most of the qualities generated by students can then be consolidated into the general categories of Design, Animation, Sound, Story/Concept, and Innovation/Creative Risk. Once the general list is established, watch a selection of animation films in class and facilitate a discussion on the various categories for each work.

The following assignment can be done in an online discussion forum or using a public forum like Medium. Students can choose any piece of animation, as long as they can justify their choice using the five general categories. (This is a great way to find out what students are watching and to encourage them to make connections with each other at the beginning of class!)

Find a short film or clip of animation online that you feel exemplifies good animation, taking into consideration:

  • Design
  • Animation
  • Story/concept (it can be narrative or non-narrative)
  • Sound
  • Innovation/creative daring

1. Embed the video in a post on the discussion forum and explain why you chose that clip in 2–3 paragraphs. Address any positive and negative elements in the film based on the above list, with specific examples using timecode and/or screen shots to point out certain moments.

2. Comment on at least 3 other posts by your classmates by adding a specific observation about one of the above criteria.

Example: Strange Wonderful by Stephanie Swart



Corrie Francis Parks
Frame By Frame

Sandy animator. Director of @tangledtalefilm. Author of @FluidFrames. Prof @ArtsAtUMBC. I make things move.