My top blog picks from June 2018

Your shortcut to my favorite blogs and articles of the month

Ruben Spruijt
Speaking of the Cloud…
4 min readJul 2, 2018


Inside Tesla’s Model 3 Factory

Bloomberg Businessweek’s Tom Randall gives an inside look at industry giant Teslas’ manufacturing process, as well as wonderfully detailed images of Tesla’s Model 3 factory. While they have met some challenges, Elon Musk claims the company will set a new standard for speed, precision, and scalability in manufacturing.

Autodesk and Frame: a blockbuster

I had such a wonderful experience at AU London that I wrote a blog post about it! It was great to be able to attend the keynotes and learn about automation and generative design, the future of manufacturing, robots, 3D printing, and the capacity problems we will face in the coming years and decades. These topics are important and it was great to learn more and be able to talk (a little bit) using the same language as our customers. Please give it a read by clicking on the link below.

‘Anywhere, anytime, any device’: How cutting-edge technology is helping advance Creighton University’s core mission

Robby Daniels, Computer Support Engineer at Creighton University talks about how, with FRAME’s technology, Creighton’s Heider College of Business is able to provide on-campus and off-campus access to all the Windows-based software tools necessary for students to complete undergraduate business degree courses. Check it out!

James Whittaker (Microsoft) on our uncertain future with our robot overlords

James Whittaker, distinguished engineer at Microsoft, is given the floor at TNW Conference 2018 in this great video to talk about his projections for data gathering, AI, the evolution of technology, and what it will all mean for us within the next few years. Are you ready to coexist with machines smarter than you? As the video title states, the future is uncertain — even the near-term future!

Try a GPU in the cloud for free

No, it’s not too good to be true! You can now try your applications in the cloud via Frame on a high-end NVIDIA GPU-powered instance — for free! No credit card required. Check out the blog post below to find out how.

What are your cloud transformation principles?

Well… do you know? If not, AWS Enterprise Strategist Jonathan Allen thoroughly describes the important tenets of cloud adoption. Jonathan’s history of helping over 147 organizations from around the world in the last year alone makes this a very valuable read. Enjoy!

Windows applications still rule the universe, on-premises SBC/VDI deployments are still king, cloud on the rise

The biggest competitor for public cloud DaaS/remote application as a service isn’t Citrix, Frame, Amazon, VMware, or Microsoft — it’s the on-premises VDI/SBC solutions combined with trends to use more web/SaaS, mobile, and PCs.

Is MSIX the future for App-V?

It looks like Microsoft has a plan for the development of a new standard application format that could potentially meet the needs of both developers and IT Professionals. Tim Mangan, Microsoft MVP for App-V Citrix CTP, looks at the pros and cons of this new format and what it means for App-V. Check it out!

How drones will change cities

Online magazine Dezeen has created an interesting documentary about how drones will change travel, product delivery, architecture, and more. “Elevation” explores both the benefits and detriments of increased drone usage, interviewing architects and industry experts including Norman Foster, Paul Priestman, Liam Young and Anab Jain. It’s worth the watch!


Thanks for reading! If you liked it, please share — much appreciated! If you have any great articles for me to read, please share them so I can consider them for next month’s volume. Please don’t hesitate with any questions, feedback, or suggestions. You can contact me at or follow me on Twitter: @rspruijt

