Image Copyright

Frame Rated Staff
Frame Rated
Published in
Jun 16, 2023

Images used across Frame Rated and its Medium publication are covered by “Fair Use” (US) and “Fair Dealing” (UK) laws.

Images are contextually relevant to discussion, don’t impact the market of the original, and are used for the benefit of the public in works related to criticism, comment, and news reporting. This is not an infringement of copyright.

Some images are also used in a “transformative” way so they no longer resemble the original work.

All images are commonly used in marketing and promotional materials and available online for the same usage.

You can read more about Fair Use policies below:

US: Title 17 of the U.S Copyright Act Section 107.

UK: Sections 29 & 30 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998.




Frame Rated Staff
Frame Rated

The writers of Film & TV site Frame Rated without Medium accounts. Or group-written articles. Content debuts at