StudioCanal Blu-ray Film Review

Night of the Eagle (1962) • Blu-ray [StudioCanal, Cult Classics] — a tale of witchy women and frightened men

A woman who may be a witch defends her husband from forces attempting to harm him.

Remy Dean
Frame Rated
Published in
14 min readJun 29, 2024


NNight of the Eagle is a British horror classic that has, all too often, been dismissed as a knock-off of Night of the Demon (1957). Though unfair, the comparison is unavoidable as both films are supernatural mysteries, beautifully shot in black-and-white, relying on atmosphere and suspense rather than jump scares. Both feature a staunchly rational academic whose beliefs are shaken to their core, and they share a certain quintessential Britishness despite having an American in a leading role. So, this sympathetically restored print on Blu-ray and DVD from StudioCanal presents an opportunity for many to reassess Night of the Eagle (known as Burn, Witch, Burn in the US) on its own merits and will be welcomed by a devoted cult following that has gathered over the six decades since its initial release, mainly due to its television airings in late-night movie slots.



Remy Dean
Frame Rated

Author, Artist, Lecturer in Creative Arts & Media. ‘This, That, and The Other’ fantasy novels published by The Red Sparrow Press.