Film Review

Rebecca (2020) Netflix

A young newlywed arrives at her husband’s imposing family estate on a windswept English coast and finds herself battling the shadow of his first wife, Rebecca…

Kim Vertue
Frame Rated
Published in
6 min readOct 23, 2020


IIt’s 80 years since Alfred Hitchcock made his version of Daphne du Maurier’s classic novel Rebecca, so it’s high time the story was revamped for a modern audience. Director Ben Wheatley does it well, as the Gothic touches are all there, together with the romance. His first film, Down Terrace (2009), was a crime drama that also centred on familial mistrust, marriage, and murder… but set inside a terraced house in Brighton, not a stately home in rugged Cornwall.

Next came Kill List (2011) and Sightseers (2012), which further showcased Wheatley’s talent for mixing nasty with funny. A Field in England (2013) was a hallucinogenic historical set during the English Civil War, which he followed by guest-directing Doctor Who (2014’s “Deep Breath”, the brilliant intro for Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor) but even so he admitted that to adapt a beloved novel like Rebecca was a “big responsibility” and perhaps too…



Kim Vertue
Frame Rated

Writer on art, film, and food — published in The Scrawl, Signifier, Frame Rated and Plate-up. Fiction published internationally and in translation.