Criterion Blu-ray Film Review

The Lady Eve (1941) • Blu-ray [Criterion Collection]

Remy Dean
Frame Rated
Published in
11 min readAug 6, 2020


TThe Lady Eve is, indubitably, a classic comedy. It has one of Hollywood’s great writer-directors at the helm and two of its top stars in the lead roles. Trouble is, it’s just a tad too clever for its own good, with an almost novelistic approach that has a similar vibe to something Oscar Wilde might’ve penned. The dialogue is often as sharp-witted and its themes risqué, though intelligent enough to closely skirt what was permissible in its day without once crossing a line.

If you’re a fan of the screwball genre and already know the film, you won’t need any convincing. If this is new territory, you’re in for a treat so long as there’s some understanding of the context: it’s old, it’s dated, and it’s black-and-white. At the same time, its sensibilities are surprisingly modern. What was funny then still is today, and this new 4K digital restoration from Criterion…



Remy Dean
Frame Rated

Author, Artist, Lecturer in Creative Arts & Media. ‘This, That, and The Other’ fantasy novels published by The Red Sparrow Press.