Framework7 4.4.0 — Treeview

Vladimir Kharlampidi
Framework7 Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2019

I am glad to introduce new 4.4.0 Framework7 update with lots of new features and improvements.

All New Treeview Component

This was asked for a while, and it is finally here. All new Treeview component, which will be a great improvement for desktop apps.

Checkboxes With Indeterminate State

Simple but very useful Checkboxes UI improvement with new indeterminate state, which fits great when used in Treeview or in Data Tables:

Swipe To Close Popup

One more requested feature — is the ability to close Popups with swipes. Now it is here:

Swipeable Sheet Modals

This was asked a lot from Framework7 community. Sheet modals now can be also closed with swipe. But more important, there is a new “swipe-to-step” functionality, which is used a lot in native apps. When it is enabled, sheet modal will be opened for some specific size that later can be further expanded with swipe gesture:

Autcomplete with Keyboard

Autocomplete got few desktop improvements.

Now, it is possible to select autocomplete dropdown value with keyboard UP and DOWN keys and confirm selection with ENTER — which is pretty straightforward behavior for desktop apps. Also, dropdown will be closed with keyboard ESC key:


Framework7 4.4.0 version already released with all the documentation updated. Check the following links for more details:


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