Trade War: Trump Is Isolating America, Democrats Are Pushing Us Further

Justin Streight
Published in
8 min readMay 10, 2019


Will any deal be good enough for everyone?

President Trump’s administration announced it’ll be slapping tariffs on virtually every good coming from China, and for its part, China has vowed to retaliate in kind. Best to go shopping now…

Still, everything looks fine on the surface.

Trump tweeted that the negotiations were proceeding in “a very congenial manner” and there was “no need to rush.” He deleted those tweets for a little while, rattling world markets, but they’re back.

Supposedly, the Chinese side tried to renegotiate after the deal was nearly complete, prompting the sudden tariffs.

Nevertheless, China and the U.S. probably will hammer out some sort of agreement, and that’s when the real fight will start. Democrats were, for a short time, supportive of Trump’s trade fight with China (and the world).

That’s over.

With 2020 around the corner, nothing Trump negotiates will ever be good enough for Democrats… just as nothing Democrats have negotiated has ever good enough for Trump.

The Common Ground

October 8th, 2015 marked an important moment in trade policy. It was the day Hillary Clinton, despite being Obama’s Secretary of State, officially opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal.



Justin Streight

I spend too much time in my own head and try to drag others there with me. Email: Youtube: