Ethics by Aristotle: A Comprehensive Review

Fran Durán
Published in
7 min readMar 27, 2023



Aristotle’s Ethics is a fundamental text in the history of philosophy, exploring the nature of ethics and how they apply to human behavior. It is a significant work that has inspired and informed many philosophical and ethical systems throughout history. In this review, we will delve into the key themes and ideas of this work, and their relevance to our modern world.

Book I: The Nature of Ethics

In this section, Aristotle sets the foundation for his ethical theory by discussing the nature of ethics and their relationship with human behavior. He argues that ethics are not simply a set of rules to be followed, but a way of life that is cultivated through practice and habituation. Aristotle’s view is that ethics are not innate or automatic — they are learned and practiced. Ethics are a set of habits that we develop over time, and the more we practice them, the more they become ingrained in our character.

Aristotle’s view on ethics is not prescriptive, but descriptive; he aims to describe what ethical behavior is rather than prescribing a specific set of rules. According to Aristotle, ethical behavior is not just about avoiding wrongdoing, but also about actively pursuing good actions. He argues that good ethics are based on virtues, which are qualities of…



Fran Durán

Exponential Leader Founder, CEO & MP Board & Former CEO @icon_university PGA @singularityuleon