10 things you should remember about our Fintech R:Evolution.

Anaïs Raoux
France Fintech


On May 3rd, at France Fintech, we launched our own revolution. It gathered in one afternoon, the entire Fintech ecosystem (entrepreneurs, corporates, investors, regulators, journalists, geeks and politicians). In total, more than 800 attendees.

Wait. What?

I’ll save you the time and trouble to go over the 3 000+ tweets this afternoon. (you’re welcome). Here is what you should remember.

#1 Fintech is there for the long-term.

And I am not the one saying it. The two great investors we invited are. According to both of them, we are only at the beginning of reinventing financial services enabled by technology. It is a major trend that is going to last, at least 10 years.

#2 : Education should play a key role for Fintech.

Funny fact : Finance Masters at prestigious French business schools have not evolved. In 2016, those Masters have no technological nor entrepreneurial components. The world has changed over the last 10–15 years. So should education.

#3 Perseverance pays off : The Lending Club story.

John Donovan shares the 4T for success : Target, Timing, Team and Technology. Lending Club had for sure the team. Yet, now that Renaud is gone, will the company survive and thrive?

“The Lending Club story is a testament to the importance of keeping one’s cool during periods of high stress” said Jeff Crowe. Today is another chance for the company to prove this testament is right.

#4 Regulators are joining forces to support Fintech start-ups.

Happiness in 140 characters

#5 We have not reached a cashless society yet… but we are getting there.

For real.

#6 Google and Facebook don’t see themselves as competitors… for now.

Those two want to be partners in a more fluid payment ecosystem and want to enable this Fintech revolution.

#7 Promoting women is a real thing.

What does that have to do with Fintech? Well, a lot actually. We made the following statements.

  • This start-up world is wild and highly dominated by male. This is us being realistic.
  • There is no way we are having a conference without expert women on stage. This is us wanting to change the rules and take actions.

And so we did. We managed to gather one woman in every panel and the conference was labelled #JamaisSansElles, a movement that aims at encouraging diversity.

#8 Politicians are giving full support to the French Fintech scene.

Bruno Le Maire putting on our 3D printed logo
Emmanuel Macron, meeting with Fintech entrepreneurs

#9 Bitcoin might not be dead, after all.

#10 Our entrepreneurs rock. That, we already knew.

Did you?

They proudly demonstrated their product and service, for the attendees to take a glance at how Fintech could really impact their daily lives. People could pay their massage with their mobile, open their new neo-bank account or manage their savings with a robo-advisor.

They also pitched their company. 27 times 4 minutes of talent to transform what has been the result of years of hard work into a few minutes of success. And they achieved it proudly.

See you next year !

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