[Op-Ed] Frank Opinion (Week 1)

Michael Frank
Frank News
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2017

A new chapter is underway and Lrule5 has already managed to piss off the entire world. Obviously, most of us are used to that headline because it almost seems like a weekly occurrence. This time it’s Lrule5 openly insulting the New Holy Roman Empire’s decision to side with Cibola. How in any way is two world powers promoting peace in their own nations and in Boylan a problem? Somehow though, Lrule5 finds this an issue. He finds a way to strike fear in even the own members of his nation. Spencercola is still struggling to find a way to shut Lrule5 up sometimes because his opinions and ideas are a problem and can be the result in possible warfare.

This issue is not new to the Realms. Lrule5 has had countless issues with the law. First, it was burning down my house. Then, it was stealing hafbros’ diamond pants and another time he committed a war crime by ignoring a general’s order and proceeding to blow up the only safe haven of Cibola members. He has shown to myself and other members that he is a bomb that can explode at anytime.

We should also ensure that peace is promoted as the only possible way to ensure progress. War and conflict slows down and sometimes reverses this important change. Enacting and accepting international laws to prevent conflicts and promote peace in areas of conflict is the best possible way to prevent a war.

Finally, as the emperor of the New Holy Roman Empire, I am committed to promoting peace and defeating children who insult our nation by attacking our nation’s willingness to be cooperative and allies with Cibola.



Michael Frank
Frank News

“What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate.” — President Donald J. Trump