[Op-Ed] Frank’s Country Power Rankings (Week 3)

Michael Frank
Frank News
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2017
  1. Westfield — No other country has the influence or power that Westfield currently holds. Being the only fully transparent country on the Realms also helps to secure this #1 spot for Westfield. This transparency helps other nations and citizens of Westfield ensure that government leaders are protecting the interests of the people, instead of benefiting oneself. In other nations, this isn’t this case as some countries have authoritarian leaders who show signs of attempting to take over the world. Other leaders are insane mercenaries with no dignity and have resorted to being an assassin for hire. Back to Westfield, with the highest Iode rating, it also shows the dedication of the citizens of the nation. Fort Sessions plays a large role in showing the might of the Westfield army. The hidden wealth of the nation and its natural resources also help defend the country in the case of invasion. The Oxeye Alliance with Ydresland helps secure the interests of the Westfield people and helps promote peace in affairs in Westfield and abroad.
  2. Ydresland — No other nation, except for Westfield, has a thriving urban center. Ydresland definitely has some flaws. Government transparency and accounting for the actions of the nation have shown to be a problem for the nation. One such action was killing the enderdragon while a massacre was going on in Cibola. The nation is also home to former terrorist, Lrule5. Being a part of the Oxeye Alliance is definitely one of the biggest reasons that Ydresland takes the #2 spot. As Ydresland continues to expand Myrtle and Hillsdale and eventually make a military base to defend their homeland, they will remain the #2 spot.
  3. Cibola — Cibola is powerful, but is that a good thing? They call themselves a direct democracy but seem more like an authoritarian anarchy. They hire mercenaries to defend them in an attack that was instigated by them. Their cities are pathetically bad as well. Their capital, Birchwood, has bland and ugly buildings. The area seems open and boring. Isaac’s house for example has several tumors on it. David’s house is a dirt shack. Two buildings remain from the village that was once there but the Cibolan residents kicked them all out and tore down their houses. Josh’s house is definitely the best building in the city. Finally, the farms are stolen from Kyle. When we head to Celestia, which is a one building village east of Birchwood. This is definitely the best building in the entire country, but with nothing around it, it makes it quite out of the way and pointless. If we head south of Birchwood, we arrive at Fort Mnuchin which is a cool idea, but the building is boring since it’s made of cobblestone. This country has the ability to be #1, #2, or #3, but their poor cities, reckless military, and corrupt leaders puts Cibola at #3.
  4. Falconbourne — Falconbourne might as well become the permanent holder of the #4 position. Is it even worth calling it a country anymore? It’s more like a cult or terrorist organization who serves as a mercenary for hire. They have three buildings in the entire nation and have the lowest Iode rating since Spencer is rarely on and Mary is on even less. I’m giving it three more weeks and Spencer will join Cibola and forfeit his land to them as well. I bet he’d love Isaac as his dictator, unfortunately, his plan of taking over the entire world won’t happen anytime soon.



Michael Frank
Frank News

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