How to Maintain Your Momentum When Nothing is Happening

Know when to give up and when to press on

Frank McKinley
Frank, Speaking Frankly


Photo by Faisal Waheed on Unsplash

Writing can be a really long game.

We spend a lot of time guessing what people want to read about. One tactic is to see where people already spend time. The theory is if a topic is popular, we can draw some of that traffic to our own work.

It works some of the time.

The problem is there’s really no guarantee any strategy works twice.

It’s hard when you don’t know what’s next

I just finished a pretty big project. I spent months on it.

Now that it’s done, I feel lost.

What’s next?

That’s the question that has dogged me for several years now. Some days it’s worse than others. When it happens, I stop and think about what drives me.

The challenge is finding an application for my natural talents. Is it always writing? Or can it be something else?

Pressing on can look like throwing spaghetti at a wall. Do it often enough and some should stick, right?

It seems the key to success is being willing to experiment. Don’t assume you know it all. Test everything. Do it several times.



Frank McKinley
Frank, Speaking Frankly

I like to figure things out and share what I find. My favorite topics are faith, communication, business, and personal growth.