Stop Trying to Fit In

Find fulfillment in being who you are

Frank McKinley
Frank, Speaking Frankly


Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

I spent most of my childhood feeling alone.

I didn’t fit in at school. I wore thick glasses. I liked to read. And I sucked at sports.

I kept to myself, suffering in silence. I assumed no one cared, but I never gave anyone a chance to try.

I felt so invisible I wondered if anyone would miss me if I committed suicide.

Fortunately, fear of death kept me from that.

Have you ever felt that way?

One thing I did have in my favor was comedic timing. I could surprise people sitting next to me with a funny line and they would just crack up laughing.

It was even funnier when I did it in the middle of class. Who would believe it was me?

Maybe it was funny because I didn’t fit in.

What are you trying to fit into?

Join any group or community and you’ll find an unwritten social order.

The popular ones get all the breaks. They have the most friends. They go to the best parties. And they usually have the nicest stuff.

It’s understandable that we’re jealous. They have what we want! It makes sense that all we have to do to get it is act…



Frank McKinley
Frank, Speaking Frankly

I like to figure things out and share what I find. My favorite topics are faith, communication, business, and personal growth.