The Procrastinator’s Guide to Building a Writing Habit

Stop waiting and start writing!

Frank McKinley
Frank, Speaking Frankly


Photo courtesy of Pexels

Have you ever put off writing because:

  • You haven’t done enough research
  • Your work isn’t polished enough for publication
  • You’re afraid people won’t like it (or no one will care)

I know exactly how you feel.

It’s been months since I’ve published here on Medium. It’s not that I haven’t written at all. I’ve written every day in my journal. I’ve written week after week for clients. But for whatever reason, I just haven’t written here.

Why do we writers find it hard to publish every day, or even once a week?

Because coming up with ideas is hard.

The Hidden Truth

This morning I did an exercise designed to get my creative juices flowing. You can do it, too — whenever you feel stuck. You just need a few simple tools:

  • A timer
  • Something to write on
  • A burst of short-term commitment

Need some ideas? Write down 100. And while you’re at it, give your inner critic a few minutes to take a nap. Record anything and everything.



Frank McKinley
Frank, Speaking Frankly

I like to figure things out and share what I find. My favorite topics are faith, communication, business, and personal growth.