Why We Say We’re Okay When We’re Not

And how to change it if you want

Frank McKinley
Frank, Speaking Frankly


Photo by Antoine Beauvillain on Unsplash

I’ll bet you’ve had this conversation every time you go somewhere.

“Hi, how are you?”

“I’m good. You?”

“I’m good.”

Usually, the conversation ends there.

If you’re lucky, you might get to talk about something as exciting as the weather.

Other topics might include:

  • Bragging about your achievements
  • Talking about an amazing trip you took
  • Anything that sounds impressive

While these conversations are fun at times, they aren’t the stuff deep relationships are made of.

It takes courage to be honest and let people see how messy your life really is. It also takes vulnerability, which means opening yourself to criticism in the hope someone will care.

Some will, but not all.

Since we don’t know what might happen when we share how we really feel, we usually don’t.

We don’t want to hear what we should have done when we’re hurting.

When we closed our store years ago, most of our friends and customers shared our pain.



Frank McKinley
Frank, Speaking Frankly

I like to figure things out and share what I find. My favorite topics are faith, communication, business, and personal growth. https://skl.sh/2Xp1p8d