Absolutely against the ordinary sunglasses (and brand)created by a newcomer in Frankfurt

Pedro Gonçalo Ferreira
Published in
6 min readSep 21, 2020


Today´s spotlight goes to José Fernández Gallego, a designer based in Frankfurt Region, and the Founder of Galferdexign, than more than any other brand in the market, is a statement of intent, a way of being.

With HQ in Frankfurt but a vision to promote Extremaduran talent, creativity, and many other aspects. His vision, building a brand that showcases that Extremadura is not only synonymous with traditions, culture, and exquisite products. It can also be a trend, vanguard, and innovation.

Let´s find more about it here:

José, tell us what brought you to Frankfurt, and by the way, do you like our ecosystem?

I arrived here a year and a half ago, I’m a Car Designer and I received an offer in one of the advanced design studios here and after a while, I have to say that I’m comfortable and I’m starting to find my place in Frankfurt. A very cosmopolitan city and it never makes you feel like a foreigner, it is changing and dynamic, of contrasts, and above all ready for new times.

Are we correct that you started your own business here in our region?

Affirmative. I had been thinking for years about how to make all the ideas I had in mind concrete and unify them all into one. But last year in July, I felt like trying, I felt excited and strong enough to try. So I registered the brand in Spain last year and the company was registered in Frankfurt in February this year.

Congratulations! How was the process of starting-up abroad?

An interesting question. Without a doubt, it has been a very stimulating process, although complex in terms of bureaucracy and my own lack of knowledge on the subject. I was also caught by this whole wave of coronavirus in the process of creation. I had some harder moments wondering if I was doing the right thing but I always gain the illusion and hope of doing something that I like, to bring value.

Tell us a bit more about your brand, products, vision for the future?

galferdexign is a laboratory of ideas. In it I wanted to mix aspiration since I was a child appreciating the work of entrepreneurs, for me, they have always been firemen who are always ready to put out fires daily.

Also linked to the idea that I wanted to contribute something to the region from which I come in Spain, Extremadura. I wanted to add value, make it known and above all try to humbly re symbolize it, remove those clichés that govern opinions and connect it to something that has never been connected, specifically to what I have been doing for some years now, design, creating objects that do not exist and solve real problems and / or needs.

And all this coupled with the need to create a startup with a soul, which feels what is happening out there, children discouraged with the future and without enthusiasm, with social injustices such as bullying, which unfortunately I know closely and actively fight as much as possible.

So I began to draw in my travels, free time, and sleepless nights, a product that could connect these points and could shape my way of seeing the world, bring enthusiasm to people and especially to those children who suffer from bullying, even if it was just a minute of smile and disconnect them from everything. So what better than glasses to see the world like this, sunglasses with a unique silhouette, recognizable from a distance, with good quality materials such as stainless steel and UV400 sun protection and a story behind it.

This is how Chacho and Jigueras were born, names that come from the almost extinct dialect called castúo in Extremadura, meaning fig tree in Spanish and a simplification of the word “boy” in Spanish, which means young man.

Both designs are patented and have been created from the first line to their final production details by me.

As a Founder, what moves you, and what do you want to achieve?

Honestly, what I like most is to create, and create and keep creating. As a designer almost from the cradle, what I would like most, and I’m trying to make it so, is to create a line of products with its own personality, providing technical innovations, which are minimalist and not complex by following fashions, but above all to respond to this story behind I tell you above, which ultimately is what most fills me with this whole story.

Any funny story that you want to share? Or moment you really fell proud about?

hahaha…there have been many funny moments certainly. But if I had to choose, I would choose when I went with my girlfriend on a trip to Asia to visit suppliers. After doing it in Europe and rejecting my designs for their complexity and since no one had tried something like that before. I remember moments of tension with suppliers, especially with the first meetings to show them the drawings of the glasses and they take their hands to the head saying to me: Why these designs so crazy? I’ve never seen anything like it in my 20-year career…

The truth at the time caused me anger and laughter at the same time, I laughed at myself because I saw that I was crazy and did not know where I was getting, but on the other hand I was convinced that this had to go forward. There was Jose with his notebook looking for solutions to the first production problems at night without sleeping in hotels in Asia…

Any tips or advice for other early stage founders, creative people and designers?

I don’t know if I’d be the best person to give advice, because I’ve never been very rational, I’ve always been guided by my heart when it comes to making big decisions in my life, like being a car designer, which didn’t even exist in my country and my parents, Friends, teachers and others see it as a stupid thing, as being an entrepreneur.

But what I do have experience and it is the most valuable thing that I can offer to new aspirants to all that they set out to do is to believe in their instinct. Many times I have been wrong but if I really believe in something, it does not let me sleep and I am so obsessed that I give everything until I get it. A culture of effort, dedication and never surrender is needed, under any circumstances.

Long story short: Dream like children, work hard like adults while having fun and never give up.

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