Cyreen Provides Consumer Brands With the Best Retail Analytics Through C.A.P. Advertising.

Samuel Mandillah
Published in
4 min readSep 21, 2020

Today we feature something awesome and beautiful to the retail world. Do you have a product that you sell in supermarkets or malls or retail stores? How much do you spend on advertising? If you haven’t started advertising are you thinking about it? Well, are you scared that you might be spending money on advertising and it doesn’t pay you back as you expect?

More than half the money that companies spent on advertising goes into waste. The biggest challenge is that most companies do not know which half is used effectively and which half isn’t! Luckily enough such quotes of the past don’t have to trouble you anymore!

Cyreen has developed the best solution to all advertising needs through Connecting Ad-Impression with Purchase (C.A.P.). Imagine a scenario where your ad shows up on a screen in front of the customer just at the moment when he or she is passing or standing next to your product in a supermarket or retail store! That is exactly what Cyreen delivers to your marketing world through C.A.P. advertising. It becomes more beautiful when this ad is accompanied by sound!

C.A.P. advertising provides the best inspiration for shoppers near-buy (nearby) your product. C.A.P. advertising creates and develops highly impactful media-innovations to inspire shoppers to buy well.

By focusing on the moment of the purchase decision, the shoppers are not left alone in the most important step of their customer journey. Cyreen’s near-buy inspiration is a highly efficient and effective way for retailers and advertisers to activate brands and significantly improve the shoppers´ experience. You deliver the advertisement just at the right moment when the shopper is next to your product. Cyreen takes advertisements steps closer to the customer; from an online advertisement to an offline mode. Isn’t it just wonderful!

With C.A.P. advertisement Cyreen introduces a media-novelty to the advertisement market. Transferring the online seen-and-bought logic to the offline world, the actual ad impact is finally measurable since Cyreen connects ad impressions with purchases. Intelligent C.A.P. screens inspire shoppers with audio-visual advertising directly at the point of sale. The technology allows advertisers to display their ads at the right location and time.

What is more beneficial is that the advertisement is data-driven and you can track the number of customers who bought your product due to the advertisement. The data-driven approach enables you to identify what matters to shoppers. Understanding shoppers’ behavior requires a sophisticated interplay of high-class data and effective digital-media-technology. Mastering both, Cyreen utilizes shopper-relevant factors to inspire customers and optimize ad-impact.

The good news is that the advertisement is shopper-friendly. The shoppers’ privacy is of utmost importance to Cyreen. Customers are not interrupted during their purchase activities. Neither an active involvement nor a change of habit is required.

Connecting ad-impressions with purchase, (C.A.P.) sheds light on the darkness surrounding offline advertising effectiveness. You never have to worry whether your advertising campaigns are having a positive ROI or not. Its unique data approach helps deliver optimized results and generate long-term value for your campaign. C.A.P. extends your advertising campaign from the living room to the supermarket, it helps you to further increase awareness.

The idea has so far been well received across different platforms. Cyreen has also won several awards for this invention. It achieved the 2nd place in the best retail cases awards 2020. Cyreen was recently awarded a grant from the EIC Accelerator Pilot of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation program ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years.

Cyreen is a startup based in Mainz-Kastel Germany. I will end this feature with an interesting study from last year.

Cyreen evaluated the importance of sound on advertising effectiveness. In doing so, the following conversion rates of shoppers were compared:

1. No C.A.P. advertising

2. C.A.P. advertising without sound

3. C.A.P. advertising with sound

The results reveal a significant impact of sound at the point of sale on the average conversion rate and underline the high relevance of audio to increase the ROI of any campaign.

Read more on C.A.P. advertising here.



Samuel Mandillah

Samuel Mandillah is a Writer, Web designer, and Content creator living in Coimbatore, India. He doubles up as a Data scientist and Business analyst.