Emma creates “hub” in Lisbon and will hire more than 100 people — Technologies

Pedro Gonçalo Ferreira
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2020


The German company Emma — The Sleep Company, which was founded in 2015 — with HQ in Frankfurt — as an online platform for selling mattresses, chose Lisbon to install its new “business services center” for European and Latin American markets, aiming to recruit more than 100 people in the coming years months.

“The vacancies already opened for the new office focus on the areas of operations, support functions, management, marketing and design and, until the end of next year, the areas of procurement,” customer excellence “and logistics, “says Emma, ​​in a statement.

“After this year having passed a large part of its European production to Portugal, which provides several active markets, not only in Europe but throughout the world”, the German multinational decided to open its third worldwide “hub” in the Portuguese capital, which will join those currently operating in Frankfurt, Germany, and Manila, Philippines, which have more than 500 workers.

Why the Portuguese capital? “Lisbon is an attractive city even for foreigners, due to the quality of life and the dynamic startup scene it has. Besides, there is a lot of talent in Portugal, it is easy to recruit people who speak more than one language and we have universities and a higher education level. The need for recruitment is huge at this time of growth and we are unable to recruit so many people in Frankfurt “, explains Filipa Guimarães, responsible for Emma’s Southern European and Latin American markets.

The vacancies to be filled in the Portuguese market can be consulted at https://team.emma-sleep.com/job-search/, choosing the Lisbon location.

“But any of the other functions, in Frankfurt and Manila, are also available for positions in Lisbon — if the position is filled, it moves to the new office in Portugal”, affirms Emma.

The new team that will be created in the Portuguese market “will have a strong international component, since this office will support the European and Latin American markets”, emphasizes Emma, ​​who emphasizes the fact that it has passed from an online selling platform of mattresses for an internationally operated ‘sleep tech’ supplier.

