Dr. Thomas Berberich (left) and Daniel Weber from Phytoprove are developing new devices that measure and display the supply status of tomato plants, for example, and transfer it to a cloud. So everyone can fertilize and water their plants in good time and as needed. © Phytoprove Pflanzenanalytik UG

Frankfurt Startup selected for the Green Start-up Program of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)

Pedro Gonçalo Ferreira
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2020


Newbility (Tettnang), Tip me Global (Berlin), Nanoscale Glasstec (Kassel) and Phytoprove Pflanzenanalytik (Frankfurt) are since this week professionally and financially supported by the Green Start-up Program of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU).

Let´s deep dive into the Frankfurt Startup.

It all starts with: What does my plant need?

Whether professional gardeners, farmers or interested laypeople: they all enjoy healthy plants — that is why it is fertilized and watered regularly. But it is not enough to use a sense of proportion or feeling. If there is visible damage such as pale or withered leaves, be it usually too late for suitable countermeasures, explains Phytoprove founder Dr. Thomas Berberich. Too much fertilizer also pollutes the environment through high nitrogen inputs into the soil and water. Their start-up has a solution for this:

“We are developing new devices that measure, display, and transfer the supply status of, for example, vines, vegetables, or grain to a cloud. So everyone can fertilize and water their plants in good time and as needed, ”says Berberich.

The devices should not only be used for private cultivation, but also in agriculture.

The green start-up program initiated by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt has meanwhile supported 22 young companies. Their ideas and concepts have been checked by internal and external experts from various disciplines in terms of innovation level, market potential, implementation ability, and sustainability challenges. The best were invited to a so-called pitch, in which the young entrepreneurs present their start-ups.

“Since mid-2019 we have selected a total of 22 young companies. They all make a contribution to making the future more sustainable and to using the opportunities that digitization offers for the environment and society, ”says Dr. Stefanie Grade , coordinator of the DBU start-up program

Including in the program:

  • Accompaniment by speakers from the German Federal Environment Foundation
  • Support by volunteer mentors from the DBU network
  • Coaching seminars to promote entrepreneurship
  • Integration into the competence network sustainable.digital

Contacts:Phytoprove Pflanzenanalytik UG

Herr Dr. Thomas Berberich, Tel: 069|75421843

E-Mail: tberberich@senckenberg.de

URL: www.phytoprove.com

