Goethe Investment Lab: Investment club at the Goethe University

Pedro Gonçalo Ferreira
3 min readNov 5, 2020


Highlight of today: The Goethe Investment Lab, that combines theory and practice: Here, students can gain experience in the investment industry and put the knowledge they have acquired into practice. The student investment club, the first forerunner of which was founded by students in 1997, aims to set up its own track records and set up a real fund in the medium term. The team members support each other and develop new concepts together. In addition to the active students, alumni are also involved in the investment club. The Goethe Investment Lab receives support from the Federal Association of Stock Exchange Associations at German Universities (BVH) and the German Association for Protection of Securities Holdings (DSW).

Direct participation by investing your own money is possible in principle, but not a prerequisite for actively participating in the Goethe Investment Lab. By taking on an office, students have the opportunity to take on leadership and proactively shape the investment club. This gives the members the opportunity to build up a network and gain initial experience for their own professional career. By the way, the initiators use investment clubs at US universities as models, where such initiatives are much more widespread than in Germany: students there often manage parts of the university’s foundation funds.

The Goethe Investment Lab pursues two investment strategies: The “High Yield Bonds” working group, headed by Dennis Watz, deals with the identification of high-yield bonds. High returns are usually a sign of increased risk. It is important to select the best bonds after weighing up the corresponding opportunities and risks. The other team, on the other hand, follows a classic value investing approach: Here the focus is on small and very small companies. The aim is to determine the “fair value” of a company based on fundamental data. This “fair value” can be used to assess whether there is currently an over- or undervaluation on the stock exchange. This area is currently headed by Simon Sebastian Füger.

Students who want to participate in the Goethe Investment Lab should have specialist knowledge of and / or interest in the capital market. In addition, reliability, helpfulness, independence, proactive action, a little creativity and an open handling of mistakes are important. A résumé is sufficient for the application. General information can be obtained from Phillip Chulyukov at hallo@goetheclub.com .

More information about the Goethe Investment Lab at www.goetheclub.com .

The Goethe Investment Lab is a series of events organized by the Goethe Business & Economics Club department of the Goethe Club. The Goethe Capital Group is an investment club in the legal form of a company under civil law. Their investment club is for educational purposes only. Investing with real money is voluntary and is not a requirement for participation. The statutory provisions for investment clubs apply, which can be found on the website of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. All office-bearers work with them on a voluntary basis. Trading on the capital market involves risks and can lead to the loss of your own deposits.

