Graduation at FI Frankfurt 1st Cohort

Pedro Gonçalo Ferreira
Published in
5 min readFeb 3, 2020

Today we are celebrating the freshest grads from FI in Frankfurt.

The Cohort Officially started on 2019–10–09 at Mindsapce Frankfurt — with our Founder Institute VIP Launch Mixer.

In those days they nearly thirty founders in the first FI cohort in town. 29 to be exact.

14 sessions down the road, from which 11 were at WeWork and 3 at FPS Law, the major partners of the cohort, and now in February 2020, they are ready to celebrate the graduation of 8 founders!

A big round of applauses to:

Let us start with TribeLync, a project by William King II, that is on his way to developing a Social Connection Platform (SCP) to help people find other people with shared interests and manage their relationships/connections focused on shared mutual benefits.
The initial market size would be everyone in the USA who is between 18 and 65, which is 187 million people.

Plans to expand the platform to other countries would follow. Deep Lasting Connections + Shared Mutual Benefits = Value TribeLync is a collective social connection platform designed specifically to manage, nurture and grow personal relationships.

The goal of the platform is to allow registered members to find and establish deep connections with other Tribe members with similar interests in which mutual trust and shared benefits are established.

LeadZen empowers product experts who regularly give advice and recommendations to earn cashbacks and commission when finding new buyers.

Leaded by Ben Scherer, LeadZen is the first vendor independent referral marketing platform that leverages big data on market level and lowers the entry barrier to earning commission from highly qualified referrals by radically simplifying the process of negotiating referral agreements and registering leads via filling out simple lead forms.

The company will launch its MVP by end of March 2020 and is planning to achieve 1 million in ARR from approx. 450 customers by end of Q1 2021.

Numinous Blue is developing a mobile- and web-platform, to help independent Millenial and Generation Z travelers save time and money by satisfying their travel inspiration, information and planning needs through one central service.

According to Christopher Pike, the founder, the Travel & Tourism sector was worth about $8.8 trillion in 2018.

Numinous Blue wants to use data-driven automation, to solve the Customer Problem.

The company has just finished the first MVP and will use this to expand the user base, as well as raise funding over the next 6–9 months.

Supplino by Michelle Peters offers guided end to end services to set up and manage small business supply chains, all powered by our platform.

There are an estimated 30 million small businesses in the US alone, with 300 million startups globally each year. With their interactive decision trees, small businesses can see immediately what kinds of decisions they need to make, choose their level of risk tolerance, and connect with reliable suppliers and experts. They can choose to let us manage their entire or parts of their chain, or to do it themselves with targeted assistance. Small businesses want to spend their time on design and customers, not finding warehouses or dealing with import regulations. They make it easy!

M&J by Ronan Hardy, offers the visit of personal home assistant into their clients home who wants to relieve themselves from up to 30 hours per week of hassling time planning and handling chores and errands 13.9B in Germany alone (for cleaning only) Human-centered, they do the first visit at the client’s place to introduce and do a home and need to check up (like a gym instructor).

The client will have the same helper and also an account manager delivering premium hotel standards. The client enters a private member club offering an inside sustainable shop for home and also has access to all existing clients co-shared items. Curious?

Harald Kraus just explained, itsManycent where you can save a small percentage of any Dollar you spent by swiping right on your smartphone after every cashless purchase. Manycent then places the money into a saving profile tailored to your needs. Anyone who owns a bank account and a smartphone can use Manycent, the target group are people between 25 and 50 years old.

This is time-saving investing money every time you spend money, that¬¥s how Manycent combines people’s fear of poverty in old age with today’s spending.

Karsten Helbig is providing an all-platforms-application to help every person, business, service-providers, and consumer-product-companies to explain everything they need/want to explain. 48B USD elearning market is the target here!

The software Guided Doing does not need any technical skills to create and follow step-by-step-tutorials for every process on earth.

Last but not the least, Cupid’s Pocket, by Shan Xu Winterhager, is aiming to build up a whole unique love industry (including love
props and love alliance) in the form of a unique platform to promote the modern society heading to a more powerful, positive, international and creative direction.

We are definitely looking forward to more to come from these projects and obviously for the second cohort in 2020!

